Saturday, January 18, 2025

Let it snow let it snow let it snow

I have no opinion on the craziness in Washington DC, but like a lot of people, am afraid of a terrorist (domestic or foreign) attack at the inauguration, especially as the President walks up Pennsylvania Avenue. 

 However, as one wag wrote: God apparently was worried too, so he sent in a cold wave, and voila, the inauguration will be held indoors as it was when Reagan took office. 

this is good, not only for security reasons but because crowds and dignitaries are at risk standing around in the cold for hours just for a photo op.

Indeed, one might argue that the cold rainy weather indirectly led to the death of President Harrison from Pneumonia a month later.

the weather also led to Reagan's inauguration being indoors, so there is a precedent.

 the first inauguration I ever watched (on TV) was that of JFK, where it was snowing and the wind was so bad that Robert Frost couldn't read the poem he had written, so instead he recited one of his other poems: the Gift Outright: (fast forward to two minutes):

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