Thursday, January 05, 2006

Cat news of the day....

VOORHEES, N.J. Jan 3, 2006 — Curiosity didn't kill one cat on a wild ride on the New Jersey Turnpike. The kitten, now known, for obvious reasons, as Miracle, hitchhiked a ride on the underbelly of a sport utility vehicle just before Christmas.

The gray and white feline traveled some 70 miles under the vehicle as it whizzed along the Turnpike on Dec. 23. .....The kitty, estimated to be about 8 or 9 months old, was not unscathed, though.

"He was pretty freaked out," Dixon-Aquino said. "His paws were burnt, one claw was missing and his fur was singed."

CNN,'s report.

Heads up from SpiritDaily (of all places!)
And Cuteoverload blog points out the NYTimes has an article on cuteness...LINK

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