Saturday, August 05, 2006

Carbomb kills five

no, not Baghdad, but in Colombia, where I have family...

Carbombs are not new there, alas. When I adopted my sons twenty years ago, the week before I went down t0 pick them up and do their paper work, a car bomb exploded outside of the US Embassy in Bogata, killing one lady...

People in the US might not realize it, but in many countries the "visa application" area of the US Embassy is usually near the street, while a wide lawn separates the embassy from the always disturbed me, since it "felt" like the US was uppity, but alas it was a security when the carbomb went off, it only killed a local lady waiting for her visa application to be processed.

I was reminded of this when I went to get my papers in Manila. The Philippine visa office is directly on the street, with traffic and cars dropping people off...the parking is, at least, across the street, but as an Okie, I shuddered and wondered how much damage a Timothy McVeigh could do...

Indeed, security INSIDE the building is tight, but not as tight as in the SM Mall...probably because MALLS have been targeted before..including in Manila...

on the other hand, with the way they drive around this place, the real danger is the drive down to Manila...not to mention the flu, dengue fever, earthquakes, typhoons and floods...

so, Behala na...whatever will be will be...

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