Monday, October 09, 2006

Bad news day

NKorea sets off a bomb...Well Seismic monitor shows a small earthquake there.

With the new aggressive Japanese PM, expect them to go nuke in the near future...Austin Bay has an analysis of NK-China relations...including China moving troops to the NK border and the new found friendliness among nations that have long memories causing suspicion of the other. (i.e. WWII).

Iraq is busy with lots of factional fights, not to mention the terrorist bozos.
So the Kurds are saying: To hell with it, we'll take our toys and leave LINK
I suspect many Americans would say fine...but since the Turks hate the Kurds...well, check link for that story.

And hundreds of Iraqi policemen fall ill after a meal...The political site FR is having a long discussion; some Freepers think it was mustard gas...or another WMD...LINK2

Indonesia is burning, not due to global warming but ignorance and greed.

And StratPage reports on the NPA. One side effect is deaths of activists by "robbers" and others "holding grudges"LINK

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