Tuesday, December 12, 2006


WaPost on the Iraqi study group: the diplomatic part is "untethered to reality" because it repeates cliches about Israel but ignores that the Arab governments refuse to reform their "moribund autocracies".(Repeat after me: The Saudis are our friends)

A Philippine court froze the bank account of a Saudi-based charitable institution, International Islamic Relief Organization, because it found probable cause that the account is being used to bankroll terrorist activities in the Philippines. (repeat after me. The Saudis are our friends).

Fumento observes the WAPOST has now discovered Ramadi is improving..."What gives? You guessed it.The second one was reported from Ramadi.."

USA Today on Kofi Annan: "The speech contrasted Truman's support for the United Nations with the Bush administration's unilateral actions."...
Ummm...that's because the UN stopped aggression when Truman asked...Bush's request to enforce the 1991 truce agreement was blocked by countries who accepted "oil for food" bribes...from a program run by Annan.

Afghanistan's Taliban is restarted due to "unlimited" unemployed Pakistani recruits from religious schools...funded by Saudi Arabia...(repeat after me: THE SAUDIS ARE OUR FRIENDS)
In the meanwhile, NATO has lots of troops whose countries refuse to let them fight. Kudoos to Canada, which is bearing more than their share of fighting.

And in Gaza, they are now shooting the children of a Gaza official who actually was trying to stop Hamas' terrorists... Prayers for the guy and his family.

Kersten in the StarTrib notes the immans have links to terrorists...

First the WAPO, now the StarTrib. Who's next ? The NYT?

Well, not Reuters, who reports that "US Academic David Duke" is attending Iran's "The Holocaust never happened" meeting....gee, I didn't know Duke had a PhD from a Ukrainian diploma mill...(headsup LGF)

Zimbabwe continues to slide into chaos. The latest shortage? Passports...since most of those who can have moved elsewhere to work, this is actually bad news.

In the Philippines, the really bad news is that the US may not accept this year's nursing graduates. You see, someone stole the test answers and US officials don't trust the retest either.

Nursing schools here advertise that their graduates can find overseas jobs...and often these nurses support their entire family with their salary. Even Nurses who can't pass the exam work as caretakers or nannies in Hong Kong or Malaysia.

Army survival manual Blogfather has the link...put it on your cellphone for emergencies.

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