Monday, April 30, 2007
Family news
Lolo and the other local WWII vets used to march in the we just went in the car, but no one rememebers him. Sad.
A couple more political shootings in the province, none so far here. Loud speaker cars and campaign posters all over.
Today the city parade, tomorrow the fiesta. Lots of people coming. Busy Busy.
And my laptop is "sick" with a virus that entered the register and windows reset.....I think I got it out but now none of my drivers work...Well, if worse comes to worse there's always Linux...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
HelloKitty wedding dress
...and don't forget to wear
a Hello Kitty Thong
and HelloKitty strapless bra under it...
wonder if the Mullahs would approve?
Fighting malaria
Didn't get press coverage since Bush doesn't "feel their pain", he only helps them to stop hurting.
Attention Jane Russell
so they ordered mastectomies,,,
Wonder what they'd think of if they saw Jane Russell in action (Did you know she was a "born again Christian...who backslid once in awhile)
Gatewaypundit has more about the Iranian crackdown on fashion HERE
Global warming alert!
It's not the SUV''s the cows...
The UN says livestock farming generates 18 per cent of greenhouse gases while transport accounts for 14 per cent.
And HERE are green tips.
The National Geographic's Green Guide is HERE.
Alas, if this report on laundry detergents is an example, it's useless...I mean, they discuss chemicals with long names to scare you, but don't tell you what to do, but do recommend stuff that you pay thru the nose for and won't work as well...castile soap flakes? In hard water? $850 dollar Dryers?
I guess the "real" efficient way is to hire a Pinay maid, who can do all the work by hand...
Full rant moved to BNN...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Cowabunga! HelloKitty
And yes, we surf here in the Philippines...LINK..but not here in Gapan unless you mean wading in the rice paddies
The Nietzsche candy bar
The trouble is, once upon a time, some people in Germany did read him. And they did take him seriously. And they acted on what he said. Ideas have consequences. When Nietzsche asks us on the back of a Will to Power candy bar, “Is man merely a mistake of God’s, or God merely a mistake of man?,” we Americans can swallow our chocolate along with our Starbuck’s and grin at the irony from the comfort of 2007. Sixty years ago, no one would have gotten the joke. There was nothing funny about the Holocaust.
In other words, ideas have consequences..."
Chaput goes on in a long essay about the importance of truth. and if God is true, that idea has consequences also.
Headlines below the fold
Ironically, the movie is based on a short story by James Webb, who supported the Marines before he didn't...
UPDATE: The non political Strategy Page, whose intelligence is accurate on Philippine matters so I trust them, notes the evidence, and says if true, it is similar to previous incidents where the press was used for other disinformation campaigns to smear Americans in the war on terror...
IraqTheModel is angry at the Democrats.
The downside of Fuorescent lightbulbs: Mercury in the environment... could be a major problem in places like here that don't have nearby places to dispose of them.
And Rostakovich has died: Here is an example of his artistry.
Headsup from Fausta's blog
Friday, April 27, 2007
Gift item of the day
Headsup BoingBoing
Miss Congeniality take two
This week, the most recent Miss America helped FBI agents in a sting by allowing them to use photos of herself as a teenager to catch pedophiles on line. .
Nah, no war on terror here, folks, just move along.
And to have the anti war vote be seen as a political move, with all the talk on CNN etc about how this affects President Bush, not on how it affects the world, makes me wonder if the US is in the stages of terminal Bush derangement syndrome.
Ironically, the only candidate who actually ran on the war was Joe Lieberman, and he won...the link is to his editorial.
Family News
We went to Florinda's birthday party yesterday. Alas, photos didn't work...too dark for my palmpocket camera.
Lolo's cousin Coring was visiting from Florida...he is retired from the US Navy. Other relatives will probably avoid coming due to the election.
It is very very hot but aside from that we are well.
Fiesta parade was yesterday.
Terror vs hit jobs
Ironically, although the main danger here is the NPA, most people can distinguish from NPA hit jobs or hit jobs by politicians, hit jobs against activists, and real terror.
In real terror, they're not aiming at you. They just want to kill as many innocent bystanders as possible to make a political statement. They could kill you in a mall, or in a palenke, or on a ferry, or at a fiesta.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
How to stop harassment of those who mourn
He did the same when they threatened the Amish children's funerals...
Red Fridays
And, of course, no one in their right mind would try to hijack a SWA plane...there just might be an Okie wrestler on board
Southwest blog here
Don Camillo
The stories of Don Camillo are no longer printed, and somewhat dated as the cold war fades. Yet they still have some humor. Some of the stories can be found at link.
Headlines under the fold
In the good old days, we would call her a fat loudmouth bigot.
Sigh. I used to like her when she was just trying to be funny...
Spring in Oklahoma: Tornado seasons starts. I'm so glad I live in a safer place, where all I have to worry about is earthquakes, typhoons, and Dengue fever...
Anzac Day...the ceremonies were on a "local" Aussie on cabletv we get local channels, but also channels from Singapore, China, Japan, Korea and Australia.
Bipartisan panel to discuss dividing Iraq? Hmm. Interesting if true.
Dow hits's Bush's fault.
TheJawaReport links to a Harvard report noting how faux photographs and press manipulation misled the western press to frame the war as Israeli aggression, and that Israel lost the war in Lebanon. "Here's the rest of the report in PDF format, but be sure to read Charles' take on it as well.
And finally, scientists have devised a new mathematical formula describing the evoluation bubbles.
How to travel from New York to London, according to Google
Just look at these instructions taken from how to go from New York City to London UK:
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Your email of the day from Col. Updraft
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Yum! Kipper!
Unfortunately these fish do not have a place on the full English platter but are certainly worthy of a mention or two none the less, or even more.
(first you catch the sea...on a rod)
Then after they have suffocated on deck they can be smoked, not with cigarettes but by hanging them upsides down in a smokery (a place where they burn lots of hickory dickory dock) until they are sort of cooked, but not really just too hot to be raw: like a fine young cannibal do.
Then you can buy them from fishmongers, cook them in milkery waters or eat them.
Try with a poached egg on top, or even betterer than that. Unless you hate fish.
And if that doesn't sound tasty, try their black pudding.
Of course, here in the Philippines, we frequently eat dried fish or fried bangos and rice for breakfast
Yum Donuts
You Are a Boston Creme Donut |
You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you. But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft. You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily. You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out. |
Hey Alice
Here's an MP3 for that lovely fiddle tune:
Somebody Else is Getting It Where the Chicken Got the A X E
In doing so, they easily broke the current mass coconut-playing record, set last March in New York to celebrate Spamalot's first year on Broadway.
England: Still a world power, dryly comments Dave Barry...
London Mayor Ken Livingstone gleefully boasted: 'I can see already we've got enough people to break the coconut orchestra record, and we're going to beat New York in everything else over the next few years as well.'
Well, considering that we have a dozen palm trees on our small property (yum...buko juice), I suspect that the Philippines could easily break this record. After all, we hold the Loveapaloosa Kissing record in the Guiness book of world records.
Okay, Pinoys, one two three: Always look at the bright side of life...
Stylizing the classics
You see, if the PC Hollywood had made it into a "historical" drama, they would have upgraded Leonidas into a twentieth century metrosexual wimp, sort of like they did in the movies Troy and Alexander.
Instead, the harshness, pride, and independence of Sparta was not minimized; Leonidas, like the Spock character in StarTrek, was portrayed as having a soft compassionate heart under his stern exterior that was molded by that culture. Checking out my Herodotus, I found his wife was named Gorgo and was indeed a strong woman...raised by her father similar to a son and allowed to attend government meetings with her father....
But what was fascinating was the way the comicbook effects mirrored Greek vase art, and the way that the dialogue and the narrator that in classic plays would be sung by the chorus filled in the details.
Greek chorus? Heroic quotations? Just wouldn't work in films...Imagine Brad Pitt saying "if you want my weapons, come and get them".... even John Wayne or Arnold would say the line with irony instead of seriously..., but with a stylized film, it works fine.
All this makes me wonder if someone could stage other classical Greek plays using the "blue screen" style, since the dialect, which would be laughable if mouthed by Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom, would be more believable in this more stylized way of movie making.
Hint to producers: Sophocles
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Light blogging
However, LINK and LINK2 makes one realize that there is something very wrong with a religion of peace, or at least with some of it's leaders who prefer the letter of the law to the humility of finding the mercy of God.
However if you want to know why people quietly follow the Lord under the guidance of the Koran, read HERE.
And IraqtheModel questions why those who want to end the war don't bother to ask this of those who are actually killing civilians?
And the latest save the earth suggestion: only use one sheet of toilet paper.
Presumably if you don't the religious police who monitor bathrooms will come and arrest you, with a paper warning for the first offense, fines for the second, and jail time if you really overdo it and use a dozen sheets and clog the drain.
Yes I'm being sarcastic, but I find the smoking police and the green police who monitor your trash are just as bad as the religious police who measure your hemline.
Of course, here in the Philippines, we have the opposite problem: Trying to get the local vendors from dropping their trash off across the street and trying to get the city to pick up the trash.
It's election year, so usually the politicians clean the place up for a month or two before elections, but not so far this year. Maybe their heard some of our relatives are not backing the mayor...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Science Class
* Audobon said he'd have to wing it.
* Boyle said he was under too much pressure.
* Darwin waited to see what evolved.
* Descartes said he'd think about it.
* Morse's reply: "I'll be there on the dot. Can't stop now, must dash."
* Newton planned to drop in.
* Ohm resisted the idea.
* Pavlov was drooling at the thought.
* Pierre and Marie Curie were radiating enthusiasm.
NYTimes article on Migrant workers
I love the Philippines, but the difference is that here a poor person can't become rich. So the only opportunity is to work overseas...which is sad for families, but better than the alternative, poverty. Read the whole thing.
Requires registration (free...or use Bugmenot )
Thanks for the "headsup" from PinoyCentric
News below the fold
Carolyn Glick notes Syria is setting up missiles to hit Israel while threatening them with war...their pride was hurt in Lebanon, so they have to bully Israel...
BoingBoing....banned in Boston?
Attention Thieves: Beware of Miss America packing heat...even if she is 82.
Sounds like something out of Miss Congeniality
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Name that species
Ba humbugi Solem, 1983 (endodontoid snail) from Mba island, Fiji.
Bombylius aureocookae Evenhuis, 1984 (bee fly)
Carmenelectra shechisme Evenhuis, 2002 (fossil mythicmyiid) from Dominican amber.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Update on peace corps teacher murder in Luzon
And a local blog notes that when she went missing, the college where she taught scheduled a mass for her safety...but changed it to a mass for her soul when her body was found.
Politically correct laws of science
Criticism of a religion is inversely proportional to the probability of its proponents killing you multiplied by their density
Boyle's Law
Global Warming is a product of peer-Pressure and the Volume of calls for 'something to be done'.
Wilberforce’s 1st Law of Guilt;
Guilt (as measured by public prostration) is inversely proportional to Responsibility (as measured by personal involvement) multiplied by Time (since event occured)
Dawkin’s 2nd Law of God
Belief in God is inversely proportional to belief in Gaia
The Roe Wade Feminist Law
Hatred of the killing of adults (gun ownership and war) is directly proportional to Love of the killing of babies (abortion)
Headsup from TimBlair
who has his own version of them HERE
although many of them are only funny if you are Australian.
What is terrorism?
The twentieth century had murderous terrorists take over many countries in the name of many utopian ideas: Fascism, Nazism, and especially communism. And the reason some people call present day terrorism "Islamofascism" is that these groups have more in common with Soviet funded terror groups than with Islam.
And, like the communist groups, they work on many levels, not just terror, but thru Saudi funded mosques that preach extremism, and through elites who push their agenda at the level of government. The dirty little secret is that these groups could not exist without funding, either official or via "charities", from other governments. Without Soviet backing, the local NPA has degenerated into a Mafia type gang, and these groups also would be more of a murderous gang without the careful guidance and funding of their actions.
So when a car bomb by a group with only a few thousand adherents can make the Democrats decide "the war is lost", while not even mentioning sadness for the innocent civilians killed trying to shop for food, one wonders where is their priorities. Let the murders win? Are you nuts?
When you say such things, you are essentially telling the worst type of murderers that it is okay to murder in the future to gain power, and telling rogue states that preach murder as a way to extend their utopian ideology that terror works, encouraging them to fund even more terror to extend their aims.
But of course, these terrorists won't shoot up malls in Utah (one mixed up teenager tried it, and was promptly shot dead, if you remember.) They will be bombing ferries in the Philippines and beheading teachers in Thailand.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
FYI stuff
A localJournal says the soldiers will be guarding local polling places in our area...they also note the "political dynasties" in local, not like Clinton/Bush, more like feudal lords.
Like Korean food? YUM...
And your video of the day, from TheLlamButchers:
Corruption in Zimbabwe lets Mugabe stay in power
Volcano alert in colombia
PBS on Galeras here.
Headlines beneath the fold
So now abortionists will have to kill the kid with injections before doing a safer delivery for mom, at least until we get a few moms dead from the KCl injections...
the dirty little secret is that when we deliver kids early to save the mom's life or health (e.g. toxemia, lupus, heart disease), it is not an abortion, it is an induction of labor. The difference? We also try to save the kid. Of course, a lot of times you have a 1 lb kid with little chance of living. Should you go and treat a kid with less than a ten percent chance of living (meaning you torture the 90 percent with tubes and isolation before they die) or let mom hold the kid until it dies? They've been arguing that for 50 years...but 50 years ago we argued it about 3 lb babies, who with modern care do fine.
So let's not hear of "mother's health" as a reason for or against delivering these kids alive. If the mom is in danger, so is the kid, and if she is so sick that we have to remove the kid, the kid's chances of living is better outside than inside. If you have an easy answer, let me know.
But the dirty little secret is that most of these are done for convenience, or when a child with abnormalities is expected. Think Down's syndrome, average IQ 50. Mom hears the kid will be retarded and often a "vegatable" (which is not true for Down's syndrome, by the way) and panics into aborting it. Similar scare jobs are done for children with myelomeningocoels.
Again, with some abnormalities (anencephaly, myelomeningocoels, bad kidneys,) there is so much amniotic fluid that we induce labour and if the child has a lethal disease it dies. But again, this is not an abortion, although some prolifers who are not docs call it a live birth abortion. Nope. The object is to save mom's life and health.
No easy answers, but before the "perfect baby perfectly planned to fit into our life" ideas started, it used to be babies were sent by God and even if the child was imperfect, well, somehow you'd find a way to cope.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Headlines below the fold
But an easier explanation is ordinary paranoid schizophrenia due to stress.
What about when "ordinary" people become paranoid? Dr. Sanity discusses this...and the NYTimes reports of a cass of "mass hysteria" in a Mexican boarding school...stress, fear, displacement, and those around you reinforcing the delusion...the difference of course is the treatment. Haldol for the schizophrenics and valium/hypnosis/psychotherapy/reality based environment for the second.
Chemical attack foiled in Iraq...when the truck had an accident, the Americans went to help the guy...
Won't get much publicity, of course...
Instapundit points to a NYTimes story on Flu prevention...old fashioned quarantine...Movie HERE is to educate authorities on how to respond...
It's not easy being green...Dustbury points out that the Prius turns off when idling, so flunks the Georgia test standards ("an incomplete 24dollars).
And the new Tolkien book gets thumbs up...son Christopher "edited" the many variations of the story into a single text. But it's a gloomy tale: "Don't expect an uplifting ending like the one to "The Lord of the Rings," however. " says the CNN reviewer...Ah, but LOTR did not have a "happy ending" but a realistic one: even "good" wars leave good men with permanent wounds, as war veteran Tolkien (or Vonnegut) well knew.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Professor killed saving his students in VTmassacre
He was a Holocaust survivor
The AGGGH WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! award goes to
Jeffrey Sachs argues that the world faces challenges on an unprecedented scale - global warming, terrorism, poverty, disease and bad governance.
Right. Poverty is at an all millenum low. Global warming after the famine and plagues caused by the medieval little ice age seems like a good idea. Terrorism? Even if the a...h... bomb London, we probably won't have the nuclear winter that the naysayers in the 1950s and `1960's predicted. And plague? You mean worse than smallpox that decimated 90 percent of Amerindians, the black plague that decimated 50% of europe, the middle East and China, or even the Spanish Flu which killed 40 million people?
We used to hear sermons that God would smite us for our immorality. Now we hear sermons that Gaia will smite us for our immorality.
The difference is that the priests didn't want to start a new world order to force it down our throats.
Headlines below the fold
The best thing to do in this case is pray for the families of those hurt or killed.
African economies are least some are...doesn't get many headlines, although Tom Friedman had an editorial on the "pay only" NYTimes last week about Kenya.
Wesley Smith points out that disability groups are the main obstacle in stopping euthanasia movement in the USA...don't blame them. The dirty little secret is that a small percentage of docs are sociopaths or dislike "useless eaters".
Speaking of medicine, Publius Pundit has some Cuban Clinics that Michael Moore seemed to have missed...LaCucaracha! LaCucaracha!
Powerline discusses a story about Congressmen using their vacation to become educated on world hotspots...checking "port security" in places like Trinidad and the Virgin Islands, not to mention London and Brussels.....
What? No Senators interested in investigating terror threats in Boracay? They could get a decent room for a tenth of the Caribbean resort while investigating the nearby oil spill...volcanos, mudslide, terrorism and of course extrajudicial kilings of all sorts....ooops...if they did that they'd have to work...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Headlines beneath the fold
Heh. "New way of life" indeed. Didn't Pol Pot and Stalin and Mao try that?
Spiderman3 will open...In Japan.
North Korea sacks their Prime minister...rumors say it is because he misused oil meant for the farming sector...but another report says he was removed because he was involved in plans for a military coup to replace the government.
But the really big news here is: PACMAN KO's FOE in the EIGHT ROUND.
Where are the "moderate Muslims? Right here....
The AK’s programme is founded on political Islam. The possibility of Erdogan’s candidacy has divided this mostly Muslim, but secular country.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
In cyberspace, no one has to clean Catlitter
Gift Idea
A retro bluetooth headset for your cellphone.
Neat headset that fits nicely into your hand, and no messy wires connecting to your cellphone
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Weekend trivia
FolkandFairy has photos of's Peter Pan.....
The happy news of this week: Ramses II is getting his hair back. The hair was stolen, and recovered when the "new" owner put them up for sale on a French website...
Seaweed as biofuel? The Japanese think so...
How do birds sing? LINK....and don't miss the exciting song of the Nightiar Caprimulgus Europaeus, a bird that sings both inhaling and
Football might save Zimbabwe
Solidarity with a fellow Marxist is more important than money, it seems.
But there is one thing that might make Mbeki do something. No, not the Christian churches, who are taking a louder stand against the tyranny. And not the Trade Unions, whose South African brothers are pressuring Mbeki to intervene.
What might make Mbeki change his mind
Already a number of European countries have raised their concerns at sending their teams to a country whose neighbour is involved in gross human rights abuses. Amid the spiralling brutality, violence, rapes and destruction of property belonging to the opposition, there are reports that the Southern African Development Community are also pushing Mbeki to force Robert Mugabe to stop his ‘dirty war’ on innocent Zimbabweans. Sources on Thursday said Mbeki is expected to travel soon to Harare for talks with Mugabe and opposition leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara. Reports from Johannesburg said there have been a flurry of discussions over the phone between other SADC leaders and Mbeki, urging him to act fast on Zimbabwe to ensure the whole region benefits from South Africa’s hosting of the 2010 World Cup.
The world cup is expected to draw half a million visitors, and would benefit not only South Africa but neighboring countries. However, if Zimbabwe descends into anarchy or civil war, or if the continued economic crisis leads to more refugees, the entire region could be destablized and South Africa's bid would to hold the World Cup would be rejected.
Ironic, isn't it, that it might just come down to football?
Family News
Tradefair 4 07 |
Bill Whittle takes down conspiracy theorists
"...what kind of moral universe do you have to inhabit to be able to believe that your own people – airline personnel, demolition experts, police and security forces, faked witnesses and all the rest – are capable of such a thing? How much hate for your own society do you have to carry in order to live in such a desolate and ridiculous mental hell? What psychoses must a mind be riddled with in order to negate what was perfectly obvious and instead believe a theory of such monumental fantasy? How much pure constant hatred does that take?...
In the middle of all this laziness, this lack of rigor, this mush… a few small lights still twinkle in the darkness.I think the entire nation owes a deep and profound debt of gratitude to the editors of Popular Mechanics magazine. Their debunking of the 9/11 conspiracy was not only first-rate journalism. It was an act of vital national importance. It was heroic.
LINK: PopMech:Debunking 911 myths
And another article blasting the narcissism of the yuppies is HERE...
Philippines in the news
Of course, having a helicopter nearby to whisk him from Baguio to Manila helped too.
Big Terror alert in the army kills terrorists the and isolates the J.I. and Abusayaf from the MILF by making peace, the danger is that they will set off some of the bombs they imported from Indonesia.
No danger here: The main problem here is the NPA and the crossfire between politicians. Comelec may or may not be stepping in to count the votes, and soldiers may or may not guard the polling places.
YouTube! it's not just for kids anymore...the Bishops have their sermons on line...which is good for our OFW's...
And when Miss Norway walks down the aisle at the Miss Universe contest next week, you won't be seeing a tall blond Scandanavian, but a Pinay...well, half Pinay. Her mom is from Laguna.
Dick Morris lays it out for you
Hillary is a socialist. Hillary will win the young family vote because she is a socialist. And Hillary will wreck the economy because she is a socialist.
Bush and company is solving the North Korea crisis but no one is noticing. Actually, he explains the context behind some quiet stories on North Korea, about frozen bank accounts, China and Japan becoming friends, and Bill Richardson.
He also brings up a way to stop Iran: Disinvest. They need oil, but the nearest refinery is in Dubai. If California and others pressure companies to disinvest, and if free trade Republicans work with Democrats to promote real sanctions on these companies, it just might work. Of course, it will upset the Europeans, but we should ignore their teenaged hissy fit because it means saving their tushes in the long run.
But what is most amusing is their sidebar, with other "moose stories"...
Related stories: |
Moose couldn't survive dramatic rescue operation - 30.01.2007 |
White moose sparks debate - 05.10.2006 |
Trip to town fatal for moose - 15.09.2006 |
Thieves felled by moose - 08.09.2006 |
Moose center opens doors - 05.09.2006 |
‘Monster moose’ derails train - 15.08.2006 |
Man battled moose with slipper - and won - 19.06.2006 |
Moose surfed on chunk of ice - 31.01.2006 |
Drunken moose terrorizes family - 24.11.2005 |
Moose collisions hurt most - 12.10.2005 |
Moose set off on long-distance swim - 22.07.2005 |
Moose closes tunnel - 22.06.2005 |
Moose spark traffic trouble in Trondheim - 23.05.2005 |
Moose on the move! - 25.04.2003 |
Flying moose lands on car's roof - 24.02.2003 |
Thursday, April 12, 2007
How to make a ukrainian easter egg
a little late for Easter, sorry.
The step by step instructions are found by entering each step above the egg. You start with the "pencil" and then go on to white, orange, etc.
more complicated designs HERE
HelloKitty the food
Yup. Easter is over
The media shrugs, ignores the problem, and is busy trying to figure out the Christian bashing article to print for Christmas...
Bombs, anyone?
But in today's bomb news, most of the places have had civil wars or "insurgents" that long predate Bush or have little or nothing to do with Bush
Northern Ireland....started by King Willie 350 years ago.
civil war goes back to the 1950's and Islamic terror campaign in the 1990's killed 100thousand people.
Harare is the government's way to justify jailing the opposition.
Morocco can be traced to the annexation of Spanich Morocco in 1975 and the Algerian Islamicist support for that area's independence movement.
Thailand? Yup Islamicists going after Buddhists, but no one is sure why.
SriLanka? Local independence movement. Hindu versus Buddhists.
And I haven't even included India, and the Philippines, both of which have terror movements dating back to the time of their independence.
Even THIS WSJ article points out that a lot of the Iraq violence is not due to Bush or the "war on terror" but is a very nasty payback that would probably have been worse if the US hadn't stepped in, since the US troops are the buffer preventing a complete explosion.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Bataan anniversary
and LINK
And here in the Philippines, it is called "Hero day"....30 000 Philippino military died in the death march or during their imprisonment, and many civilians were killed for trying to give food and water to those marching or in the camps.
Headlines below the fold
A car bombing Israel...move along folks, no new news's just Hamas doing their thing. Nancy Pelosi take note...
Instapundit writes: A WEAK TURNOUT FOR SADR IN NAJAF: Plus, a more laudable protest in Kabul.SHH....don't tell CNNInt....they might get upset.
Stem cell success in treating Type One Diabetes? Shhh...don't tell Arnold...the stem cells were from the patient's own bone marrow,, not from Embryos...
Type one Diabetes is though to start when the immune system destroys the beta cells in the Pancreas. This experiment did not replace the beta cells but changed the immune system to remove the cells producing the antibodies that destroyed beta cells, and only worked in early cases where there were still some beta cells left.
Big battle in Baghdad...Iraqthemodel gives firsthand report...CNN lists headline below Imus story, showing their priorities are correct:
- Imus stole our moment, insulted team says | Blog
- Slideshow: Rutgers team slams insult | Video
- U.S. clears millions for Palestinian training
- Fierce battle with insurgents rages in Baghdad
Philippines claims half of those reported by the UN as "extrajudicial killings" either didn't exist, were killed in battles, or were killed by ordinary criminals...
As I have pointed out before, the problem is the idea that you are allowed to kill your politicians kill rivals, businessmen kill rivals, NPA kills politicians and businessmen and those who left the NPA, Army kills NPA and "extrajudicial killers" kill those supporting the NPA. List them all, and listen to the bishops: Thou shalt not kill.
Want to stop global warming? DON'T PLANT THAT TREE...duh
And want to disappear? In one word: HAIRBRUSH....the newest idea in cloaking devices.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Everyday heroes
Little taught except to condemn the "uselessness" of war, the lessons of heroism are rarely remembered. Too bad. Because we still are affected today by that war. Ever hear a discussion about the British in Iraq in 1919 or the Versaille treaty?
Lileks writes about Easter, the TV show Cops, and Alien as a Gilbert and Sullivan Musical.
He is an ay-ly-en!
He’s very rarely bled, it
Eats through floors if you let it
His remains are ay-ly-en
His remains are ay-ly-en!
MakeZine links to how to make your own chemistry lab. LINK2
And how about making a nice steam powered R2D2?
And finally, your peeps post of the day:
The WaPost has a PeepShow...Peepmobiles and Diamonds are a Peep's best friend...
Monday, April 09, 2007
Catholic converts...
Most people know about midnight mass for Christmas, but few know about the lovely ceremony for Easter. It includes a time when all the lights are turned off, and then a single candle is lit, and then the light grows as everyone shares the flame, one candle to the next one, until the entire church is lit with a thousand candles held by a thousand worshippers. The light indeed shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it. For he is risen, and life triumphs over death.
Traditionally, adults are baptised at the vigil, which is what the story is about.
People don't realize that Catholicism is multicultural, or that the Washington DC area is also multicultural:
The converts were among 2,000 people in the area inducted last night during Easter Vigil services, in which Catholics welcome newcomers to their faith as they celebrate the Easter resurrection of their suffering Christ. Today in the Washington area, where there are almost 1 million Catholics, Masses are celebrated in more than 20 languages.
Haggis Recipe
The vegetarian version is here, and sounds almost good enough to eat.
Haggis Hunt!
Tartan Day jokes
Great Events in Scottish History:
1326 - The game of golf was invented in Scotland, followed shortly thereafter by the invention of the word "DAMMIT!"
1410 - Drinky MacDrunkard discovered how to make single malt scotch. He was then beaten to death by his neighbors when they found out they had to wait 12 years before they could drink it.
1453 - Kurt MacCobain invented the plaid flannel kilt and followed it up with his hit song "Smells Like Distilled Spirits"
1623 - The Scots invented money. That same year, they also invented tight-fisted skinflintery.1697 - By a three-vote margin, the Scots lost the "Brawlingest Drunkards" award to the Irish. A title which the Irish still hold to this day.
1724 - Smartass MacJoker entered his newly created dish, haggis, into the Betty MacCrocker Cooking contest as a prank. The judges, being three sheets to the wind at the time, picked it as the winner, and the culinary atrocity has been a Scottish staple ever since.
Heroic UK Medic
Private Johnson Beharry with his Victoria Cross
Pte Beharry, 27, who was awarded the VC in March 2005, was the first person to receive the country's highest award for valour since 1982 and the first living recipient since 1965. He was honoured for two acts of outstanding gallantry which occurred just over a month apart while he was serving with the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, in the Iraqi town of al-Amarah, in 2004.
He was cited for "valour of the highest order" after he drove a Warrior tracked armoured vehicle through heavy enemy fire in May 2004 to come to the rescue of a foot patrol that had been caught in a series of ambushes.... Pte Beharry drove through the ambush, taking his own injured crew and leading five other Warriors to safety. He then extracted his wounded colleagues from the vehicle, all the time exposed to further enemy fire.
The following month,..(after an attack).Despite his very serious injuries, Pte Beharry then took control of his vehicle and drove it out of the ambush area before losing consciousness. He required brain surgery for his head injuries and he was still recovering when he received the VC from the Queen in June last year.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Headlines below the fold
Pope laments "continual slaughter" in Iraq..."the thousand faces of violence which some people attempt to justify in the name of religion," You mean AlQaeda killing Shiites and Sadr's death squad attacks killing Sunnis and Christians in Iraq?
He also condemns human rights violations referred to are in Zim and Dafur and the Congo.
"In second life, no one knows you're a lapsed catholic". Well, God knows, but this is about fantasy, not about reality.
While you are busy living second life, you can visit TV links.....Peeple has workstations online....Buzzillions helps you shop.
It's Easter, time to bash the Christians...LINK explores why.
And finally, RIP B.C's creator Johnny Hart has died.
Science experiment of the day: Goldfish
Alltooflat did the experiment, and ...uh oh.
Family News
The family celebrated Easter by going to mass and then took everyone swimming. Joy's parents are here, and two young cousins for her to play with. Lolo went but came home when it got hot. I was up half the night thanks to crying puppies and went back to bed instead.
So everyone is fine.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Your Easter Sermon
Don't's Andrew Greeley...come'on, a priest who writes R rated novels can't be all bad
PEEPS! The Science Project
We all know the story of how evil cigarettes and alcohol are for humans. But what about for Peeps?
They report, you decide...
.hint: don't mix cigarettes with booze if you're a peep..
Recipe of the day
Spread peanut butter on one graham cracker. Place 1/2 Hershey's bar on top of it. Layer two or three peeps (chickens) over chocolate. Press another graham cracker over chicken and press together. Microwave just until Peeps start to melt. About 30 to 45 seconds.
Another recipe HERE
PDF for a Peeps decroration topiary HERE
check out LINK for all sorts of links
and LINK for the official Peeps page
Miscellaneous stuff
Did you know Peter Rabbit's mommy almost became a botanist?
Blue Tea blog has links art books. No, not books of arti, but artists who use books to create art.
And what happens when you replace an old fashioned wood violin with a metal amplifying cone? a StrohViolin......Film HERE.
Want to make money? One word: Stem Cells.
No, not the embryonic type, but the adult type, that are easy to get and work.
And the real money is not in curing rare but terrible diseases, but in breast enhancement...
And you heard the expression, if life gives you a lemon, make Lemonaide?
Well, in Los Angeles it's if people give you poop, make energy out of it. Cows aren't the only ones to produce methane by products, you know...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Family news
Chano is busy getting stuff for a big sale of furniture/lamps.
Last night, I heard the black dog crying, and found that she had just delivered puppy number five, two days after puppies one two three and four. Sigh.
What are they teaching children in school these days?
The problem? Confusing scientism/Darwin's religious philosophy of atheism, with science/evolution as science. More HERE
One thing I am able to do with my leisure life is listen to lectures on philosophy...the idea of the just man living a life of goodness in a family and the idea of the golden mean is Plato, but I was startled to hear a teacher of the Upahishads essentially say the same thing.
Somehow, with all the talk about religion and the latest "Wealth is good" fad at Oprah, we miss this idea.
Stories under the fold
HERE Tom Lantos was quoted as saying:
I argue HERE that the tide is least in some ways.“..Assad should be given a final opportunity to disengage from the “axis of evil.” Lantos said that in a few years, Sunni Muslims and not Iran under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be in control in the region, and it is to the advantage of Damascus to know which side to be on.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
No Knead at all
Recipe time: About 1½ hours plus 14 to 20 hours of rising
3 cups all-purpose or bread flour, more for dusting
1/4 teaspoon instant yeast
11/4 teaspoons salt
Cornmeal or wheat bran as needed
In a large bowl combine flour, yeast and salt. Add 1 5/8 cups water, and stir until blended; dough will be shaggy and sticky.
Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rest at room temperature, or 70 degrees, for at least 12 hours (up to 24 hours is OK). Dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles.
Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it; sprinkle it with a little more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest about 15 minutes.
Using just enough flour to keep dough from sticking to work surface or to your fingers, gently and quickly shape dough into a ball.
Generously coat a cotton towel (not terry cloth) or Silpat mat with flour, wheat bran or cornmeal; put dough seam side down on towel and dust with more flour, bran or cornmeal.
Cover with another cotton towel and let rise 2 to 3 hours.
When it is ready, dough will be more than double in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger.
At least a half-hour before dough is ready, heat oven to 450 degrees. Put a 6- to 8-quart heavy covered pot (cast iron, enamel, Pyrex or ceramic) in oven as it heats.
When dough is ready, carefully remove pot from oven. Slide your hand under towel and turn dough over into pot, seam side up.
It may look like a mess, but that's OK. Shake pan once or twice if dough is unevenly distributed; it will straighten out as it bakes.
Cover with lid and bake 30 minutes, then remove lid and bake another 15 to 30 minutes, until loaf is beautifully browned.
Remove from oven. Cool on a rack.
This recipe was adapted for the New York Times from Jim Lahey of the Sullivan Street Bakery in New York City.
Go to the link for photos and story...