Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Good news...

Even the NYTimes has finally noticed the improvements in Baghdad...
And this AFP article says the same thing...locals rightly attribute it to the increased ability of the Iraqi government to stop the bad guys...which of course is true...but it helps both sides to know that the American's aren't pulling's sorta like keeping the US in South Korea for 50 years...just to remind the bad guys that if they try something the big 400 lb gorilla is still around...

Carolyn Glick of the Jerusalem Post has an article reprinted HERE...most of it is about stopping Iran from nuking her, but the important paragraph is about the WMD from Iraq, and whether or not that hushed up airstrike in Syria by Israel was to destroy them:

the head of the non-governmental International Intelligence Summit, John Loftus, released a report on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program... "The gist of the new evidence is this: Roughly one-quarter of Saddam's WMD was destroyed under UN pressure during the early to mid 1990s. Saddam sold approximately another quarter of his weapons stockpile to his Arab neighbors during the mid-to-late-1990's. The Russians insisted on removing another quarter in the last few months before the war. The last remaining WMD, the contents of Saddam's nuclear weapons labs, were still inside Iraq on the day when the coalition forces arrived in 2003. His nuclear weapons equipment was hidden in enormous underwater warehouses beneath the Euphrates River. Saddam's entire nuclear inventory was later stolen from these warehouses right out from under the Americans' noses."

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