Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Headlines below the fold

PhysOrg has lots of stuff today.

Did Noah's ark kickstart European farming?LINK
Global warming in 8000 BC is a warning for global warming in the near future..
Gender roles, not discrimination, the cause of women lagging behind men in science...sounds about right. If I never had kids or a husband, I would have had more time to "work"...luckily I always found jobs to juggle both...but of course I never earned as much as my classmates...

And more good news for moms: Fewer moms are dying in childbirth...
The cutting edge of Alzheimer's research is getting rid of the amyloid that kills brain cells...LINK...which is why the propaganda about embryonic stem cells curing Alzheimer's was just that: propaganda...
in the meanwhile, although the monkey clones were "virgin birth" and may not have the same ethical problems, another adult stem cell breakthrough suggests adult stem cells, which are cheaper and easier to get, could work as well...


The NYTimes has an article about take is HERE: it's not about helping families, but subsidizing large health care industries that provide care takers, while helping Hillary win the see, those who don't hire care takers but quit or cut back on work to care for the elderly themselves won't get the tax write off...

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