Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hollywood theives and the Hobbit

Entertainment weekly has a story about the Hobbit...Jackson has a feud about residual payments for LOTR; some of those defrauded are suing for money, but Jackson apparantly is suing for the right to audit their books...and the courts just fined New Line 100 thousand plus for not supplying the books.

The excuse is, of course, that the hits profits are taken to offset the loses, but the stars and producers get paid up front, even if it's not a hit....which is why stars and directors will get paid for making lousy anti American propaganda films

About the only good news is that it might lead to writers/directors being willing to make and distribute movies using the new technology.

discusses how the "silicon valley" model might work for distribution, which is the "bottleneck" that keeps people in the studio system.

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