Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Headlines below the fold

The Philippine military found/rescued another hostage in Basilan...this one a local farmer.
The bad news?
they found the other farmer they kidnapped a few days ago dead...
It's almost if they need someone to behead so that they can pressure money for the more importantt (read richer) hostages..

Need money? Just steal funds from accounts at the local bank to pay your bills.


UN Conference on Racism ends...three days early.
RogerSimon disusses why...
a demonstration in support of Darfur was staged outside the Palais. There was little interest in this genocide inside, just as there was very little interest in Rwanda. For the UN, it’s “All Palestine All The Time”.

But it didn’t work this time. Fewer people tuned into that network. For now the Durban II Conference is a fiasco...


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