Thursday, April 14, 2011

Miscellaneous links

Professor Bob brings up what happened to Christ's nails and the true cross. part2

apparantly that Israeli guy selling a film isn't the only one with fake nails.

It's part of ProfessorBob's "souvenirs of history" theme. Coming soon: The sacred lance.

he also discusses Otzi the iceman, and the battle of the Spotsylvania court house.


headline of the day:

MYSTERY of huge Canadian chicken-shed EXPLOSION

NO CHICKENS were present, Mounties rule out fowl play


Factoid of the day: Father Albert Braun was quite a character...he inspired the Apaches to build the local church that I attended in New Mexico, and was a survivor of Corrigador and the Death march...

well, someone has now made him a "facebook" page, where I learned:
Braun was on hand as General MacArthur was evacuated from Corregidor, he gave the invocation for the inauguration of Philippine President Manuel Quezon on January 1, 1942 in Corregidor, and was present when General Jonathan Wainwright finally surrendered to the Japanese on May 7, 1942. It was Braun who despite the threat of personal harm gained permission from the Japanese officers to bury and cremate the dead and who supervised the work of removing the badly decayed bodies out of the caves of Corregidor for proper disposal.


Some of my patients attended the ceremony when they put up a statue for him in Phoenix, and to place one of three memorial stones but when he died, he was buried with the Mescalero...more information here.

what brought this all to mind is TeaAtTrianon discussing a new film about the persecution of Catholics in Mexico during the 1920's, one of the lost stories of history...
Father Braun also was involved in smuggling help during that conflict.

The PC histories usually glorify secular revolutions who won, and don't count the killing of Catholics in Japan, France, Spain or Mexico who fought mainly for the freedom to practice their religion as evidence that atheism kills, but never mind.

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