Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stuff below the fold

Obama will cut the deficit by criticizing the Republicans plan to kill the middle class and elderly and get tax cuts for the "millionaires and billionaires".

Well, that should improve bipartisanship and uplift civil discourse in Washington.

The speech was so exciting that Joe Biden fell asleep.
(headdup Drudge)

Actually, I like Biden, who is more in touch with the average American than pampered suits like Obama. I explain why HERE.


The Japanese NGO "Peaceboat" lets you cruise the world and "help" locals by giving them bicycles and helping them in "sustainability" projects while making the tourists feel good...

well, and it's no worse than all those church groups that send kids for a few weeks into rural South America to build protestant churches in Catholic villages and try to convert the heathen papists. It doesn't help the locals as much as hiring them and paying them a decent salary would do, but it does show the rich how the rest of us live.

But the Philippines turned the tables on them, and asked them to deliver our donations for the tsunami/earthquake victims in Japan.

Did you know that some shipping companies are reluctant to visit Japan, and others demand extra to deliver to Japan?

Claims that one of PNoy's uncles (a friend of Marcos: everyone here in the gov't are friends or related to each other) took Coco levy funds and diverted them to buy shares in the San Mig corporation was thrown out by the Supreme court as unproven.

PNoy has no comment.
Well, maybe the money, like Marcos' millions, was his share of Yamashita's gold...

Of course, cronies protecting their own is not limited to the Philippines.
The pious Father Z lambasts such croniesm and corruption in both the Vatican and among US politicians. LINK2.

Japanese earthquake has resulted in shutdowns in our local Ford and Toyota plants, due to the shortage of parts.

A Gov't linked movie predicting the Messiah is making waves.

Of course, the writer of the expose is pushing a book, and links to a short film on youtube. If the film is a nutty as those posting in the comments section, we are in trouble.


The problem with the Happiness police:

ve order you to be happy...

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