Monday, April 11, 2011

Stuff below the fold

GetReligion points to the background on the Koran burning riots...Iranian money was behind much of this...and the local extreme Shiite and Sunni mullahs used it to criticize the easy going Sufi types...the demonstrations were planned months ago, and they were only waiting for an excuse.

From Strategypage: One quarter of North Korea might starve, so while the gov't is busy doing more important things, such as confiscating cellphones and DVD's of South Korean soap operas...

so their gov't is begging food from a naive Europe since the SoKoreans and NGO's are tired of being bilked to support their military: the real story is that the NoKoreans have stockpiling rice for military action, and have enough rice in warehouses to feed the entire population for 80 days...

In the future, your airplane may wear a condom: protection against lightning strikes, EMP's and maybe even keeping the plane from developing holes.


Blame MIT
(via gizmodo)cute kawaii stuff - Nerdy Embroidery
see more Must Have Cute

and finally: The Lego Royal Wedding is here:

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