Monday, December 18, 2017

Banned words at the CDC: another false news story

I was wondering why a couple of news outlets reported that "the Trump administration" ordered the CDC and one other gov't office not to use certain words.

Based on a few anonymous sources, of course..

and used to bash the administration, using the "Trump/Republicans hate science" meme.

Problem is: it is not true of course. AnneAlthouse has the back story.  Self-censorship, based on the idea that all Republicans are narrow minded bigots, so don't trigger them by using these words.

Hmm... wonder if this is what psychiatrists call "projection"?

It's self-censorship. Or so it seems.
We're not seeing Republicans banning words but how people who feel antagonistic to Republicans are willing to change their speech in order to get more of what they want from Republicans.

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