Friday, May 11, 2018

The forgotten refuge crisis

One million people enter Colombia amid the Venezuela crisis.

While the group is diverse, with some only looking to work in Colombia for a short period before returning home, most are on the move because they cannot meet their basic needs in Venezuela, Capobianco explained. He described the situation as a "humanitarian crisis that needs to be better assessed," including from a public health standpoint amid rising cases of malaria, diphtheria and other serious ailments affecting those migrating.
And yes, the celbrities are holding concerts to raise money to help them---NOT.

They celebrated Chavez takeover of the economy but seem silent on his family's sudden wealth and the economic collapse there.

CNN article from last year about why that economy collapse. 

the same reason that 10 percent of Zimbabwe's population fled: Socialism that was hailed by the leftists of the world, because they gifted programs to help the poor, but which was hostile to foreign investments, local entrepeneurs, and the rich... while, of course, allowing those in charge to loot the country of millions.

sort of like here, where the politicians give out food, small amounts of money and teeshirts to get elected, so they can loot the funding that might really help the poor (and sometimes shooting the guy running against him).

Except that here, you don't have celebrities touting these crooked politicians...  or maybe you do. The left doesn't care if you get rich on drug money or schtupp the help if you spout their PC causes.

Mr. Schneidermann, call your office. Old BlueEyes' kid is on the line....

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