Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Family news

There was a moderate earthquake off the coast of Vancouver Island where my granddaughter is studying, but apparently she and some of the other students are camping out somewhere and not allowed phones, but presumably they are okay.

Joy is sick but won't stay in bed and working hard. I got mad at her, and told her to spend a day in bed to feel better, but she won't.

Kuya went to a trade fair Sunday and is busy with the harvest at the farm.

We still have three puppies left and they are growing large. They now have discovered that they like to chase cats. So it tends to get noisy when they suddenly turn on the cats and voila, things fall down as the cats climb and go out every window and door.

They are too small to kill the cats, but I suspect in a month or two we will have to start burying the feral cats that eat here.


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