Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Live not by lies

Robert Royal reports the meeting on "yutes" is following the plan to sneak in approval of the gay lifestyle, in contrast to what we now see in the church: acceptance of people who are tempted by same sex attraction but who try to live their faith.

Unless someone goes out of his way to tell you about his sexual orientation – as my friends did with me – who would know for sure? They were free to go to Confession, Mass, Communion. and at least one, as I learned, was seriously working with Courage, the very fine and orthodox[3] ministry to people with same-sex attraction.
Something different is being proposed by Cardinal Cupich, Fr. Martin, a whole host of Catholic bishops and activists, and maybe soon by the Synod itself: the Church’s acceptance of people with same-sex attractions as homosexuals.

A lot of the subversion of the various churches and religious orders in the past 50 years was done this way: Sneak in a bland idea that sounds good, but hides the larger agenda, put the "reformers" in charge, cite pop psychology to silence those who object, ignore the lessons of the past, drive out the pious who say no, and voila, the Church of what's happening now!

in contrast, Father Z notes that Msgr Charles Pope (no we are not being sarcastic: That's his name) defends Cardinal Vigano, who is telling off the Pope and not staying silent despite criticism from the Pope's minions and silence from the world's MSM.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, this was the first concern of most every priest: the moral condition of souls, including his own.
Today, many bishops and priests, as well as many parents and other leaders in the Church, seem far more concerned with the feelings, and emotional happiness of those under their care than with their actual moral condition....
Passing and apparent happiness eclipses true and eternal happiness.
Further, silence in the face of horrible sin, deferring to and fawning over powerful churchmen, and cultural leaders of this world seems to outweigh any concern for the harm caused to the souls and lives of others.
 Italics mine.
Yes, too often, the only thing that really matters, the salvation of souls, is hardly considered...
In all of this, Archbishop ViganĂ² still has that “old-time religion.” He takes seriously Jesus’ admonitions regarding Judgment Day, his many warnings about Hell and the absolute need to decide whom we will serve: God or the world, the Gospel or popular culture, the flesh or the spirit.
ViganĂ²’s final two paragraphs could not be clearer:
You can choose to withdraw from the battle, to prop up the conspiracy of silence and avert your eyes from the spreading of corruption.
You can make excuses, compromises and justification that put off the day of reckoning.
You can console yourselves with the falsehood and the delusion that it will be easier to tell the truth tomorrow, and then the following day, and so on.
On the other hand, you can choose to speak. You can trust Him who told us, “the truth will set you free.” I do not say it will be easy to decide between silence and speaking. I urge you to consider which choice — on your deathbed, and then before the just Judge — you will not regret having made.
one is reminded of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's essay Live Not By Lies. 


the church has been through this before and it only takes one man with courage to keep the faith alive.

St Athanasius pray for us.

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