Thursday, April 25, 2019

Family news

Joy was at a seminar about finances to her farmers, and today she had a class for caretaking. She keeps busy.

Ruby is accepted and has a scholarship to St Olaf's College in Minnesota, and I think she will be accepting it and paying the entrance fee next week.

Chano is busy doing the rice harvest in our fields. Alas, the price of rice is low right not, so not much profit. It is the end of "tag init" or summer, and the fields will have to be prepared as soon as the rains come next month.

The town fiesta is next week (April30/May1) so lots of folks will be visiting, including some of the relatives.

We had our small dog Gigi fixed: She had developed a hernia during her last pregnancy and that needed to be fixed, but it would simply rebreak if she got pregnant again. So she is home with a "cone" around her head to stop her from licking her wounds.

George, our old Labrador, is now completely blind except for light vision. He fell into the empty fishpond next to the living room last night. (we used to have in our house, until we built one outside instead: now it is empty, and does have a fence around it, but I guess he didn't realize it and slipped through. This usually happens to our dogs when they chase the cats, who can easily jump out, but usually the dogs can't figure out how to jump 3 feet and get stuck inside... So when I went out to check on him in the middle of the night, I found him down there and had to give him a lift.

one of these days we will have to fill it in. Right now, we use the space to hang our wet clothing inside in the rainy season.

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