his biggest strength is that he seems normal and full of common sense, even when he stumbles, is too touchy feely, or puts his shoe in his mouth: Because no one thinks his affectionate hugs are from lust or his gaffes are from malice.
His biggest weakness? If he tries to push the radical agenda that the left has pushed on the Democrats that is unpopular with the working class base but pushed by the elites in the Democratic leadership and their minions in the MSM.
Ironically it is Trumpieboy who points this out.
so what are the crazy ideas that he needs to avoid?
The new green deal, which would make housing even more expensive and rural living difficult, not to mention destroy agriculture by eliminating petroleum before there is a real alternative;
shouldn't someone be pushing printing of cheap houses so ordinary folks could afford to live in the big cities?
Or really discussing the alternatives of GM food without chemicals vs organic farming with high food prices?
Or discuss if eliminating petroleum would lead to high transportation prices would mean even higher prices for fresh produce in the inner city?
or the pushing of the culture of death as normal and good, from aborting your child to killing grandmom: both of which are because they stand in the way of your career...
30 million caretakers should be getting subsidies or help by paying for caretakers and adult day care: many of us quit work to care for loved ones... and most ordinary Americans, especially ethnic and Hispanics, see this as part of our family obligations and won't like it when doctors start pushing us to eliminate grandmom or medical rationing denies her ordinary care.
I have no answer to cheap medical care except to get rid of a lot of the paper work... that bimbo who loves the VA thinks all hospitals should be organized that way: well I didn't work at the VA but maybe someone should ask a real AmerIndian about the IHS, because single payer leads to rationing of medicine, as we had to do in the federally run IHS.
Again, free medical care without co pay means that the spoiled will come in for vanity problems, the poor will come in for colds that don't need to be seen but because it's the only way for them to get free medicine, and the wait to be seen will discourage a lot of ordinary folks from seeing the strange doctor at the local clinic (whereas in the past they'd just telephone the doc they knew who would work them in if it was really needed or call in a prescription).
reparations sounds nice. But why should Hispanic, Asian, or ethnic immigrants pay a lump sum to blacks for slavery when they weren't even in the country back then? And remember: a lot of ethnics, Asians and Hispanics are considered "white" so lose out in the affirmative action lottery.
Or what about having public schools teach hatred of western culture without positing an alternative? Do you prefer Confucian ethics? China is taking over the world. Right now, multiculturalism means nihilism and the destruction of culture without an alternative, but no one wants to discuss this.
as for paying off the college loans: this translates to paying of the loans of upper middle class students who got vanity masters degrees at private colleges in areas where there are no jobs.
Maybe this should be changed to loan pay offs in exchange for working in Americorps as did my son, or by working in areas of need as I did, or joining the military, or forgiveness for those who went to state colleges or community colleges.
I probably left some out. Like the right to privacy in bathrooms so perverts pretending to be trans can't leer at you.
Or the homosexual vs churches quandary that ignores the elephant in the room: It's about pushing an agenda to destroy churches who hold the line on the ten commandments. All ten of them.
We all have an inborn tendency to sin: and in Catholic churches, it's "here comes everybody": no one cares who you are because it's more about worshipping God than about "fellowship", at least in the traditional churches..But asking for churches to approve of behavior when folks flaunt their sins is a bit different.
But what I am discussing goes beyond politics: It is a collapse of western civilization.
AnnAlthouse in another post has this quote:
"Intolerance, theories cut off from reality, empty terminology, usurped ideals, inflexible systems."
"Those are the things that really frighten me. What I absolutely fear and loathe. Of course it’s important to know what’s right and what’s wrong. Individual errors in judgment can usually be corrected. As long as you have the courage to admit mistakes, things can be turned around.
But intolerant, narrow minds with no imagination are like parasites that transform the host, change form, and continue to thrive. They’re a lost cause, and I don’t want anyone like that coming in here.”
That's a passage from Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore" that came up today in my relistening to the audiobook. It jumped out at me because it resonated with "America is an idea," Biden's new campaign slogan.in a related post: Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia discuss post modernism.
She talks so fast I'm going to have to slow it down and listen to it again.
But anyway, Trumpieboy is so crazy and uncooth that a normal gaffe prone Biden could win.
Too bad he is too old for the job.
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