Thursday, February 27, 2020

Asian factoids

who are the Chinese? Masaman's latest video on Chinese ethnics in Asia:

earlier videos on Asian ethnicity.

and other videos discuss the peoples of SEAsia: trade in this area goes back thousands of years, so explains the Arab Muslim/Chinese/Hindu etc influences in the majority Malay culture.

and not just in Asia:

did you know that the Philippines has a huge history of contact via Mexico?

a lot of this is because of the Manila Galleon trade route. instead of going around the south of Africa, they went east, crossed Mexico and then went across the Atlantic to Spain.


related item: under the "westernization" of Asia lies the traditional stories and mythology:

for example, are you aware of the mythology that explains Princess Mononoke?

there are lots of myths here, which is why horror films are so popular here. Here is a summary of Philippines monsters:

if you prefer the more serious discussion:

and question for you: Can Filipino monsters defeat Godzilla?

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