Thursday, February 13, 2020

Is the Pope Catholic?

For later reading since I have been a bit busy:

The new "amazon" document that the German bishops were using to push their agenda was a fizzle for them. (link: Church militant via the Anglican site, Virtue on line)

Sandro Magister comes out of hibernation to discuss the back story and gossip behind what is going on.

Father Z puts his two cents in, and notes that the regular "reformers" are busy spinning their stuff in the press.

my take? Pope Benedict (with help from Cardinal Sarah) got past his keepers to draw a line in the sand.

IF the document had gone the way the "reformers" wanted it to go, the church would have gone into schism.

Meaning the Vatican would be able to keep all the loot from the heretical German church, but would continue hemorrhaging Catholics (and their donations) in the USA.

The drop in money from American Catholics (the ones who still go to mass tend to be like good protestants, to take religion seriously) has hurt their pocket book.

and a lot of ordinary Catholics have been praying to protect the church from those who would distort it into a NWO NGO church of nice.

But the Pope has surrounded himself with modernists, so one expects this to be only a temporary set back for them.

Indeed, one wonders if, like in previous documents, the "reform" agenda was hidden among the 15000 word salad document, only to be pulled out and pushed at a later date.

and then when people object, they will be told.... actually their objections will be ignored and the happy happy secularist agenda will do it's thing and hey, no schism because the Pope agreed with you (or did he? He says both A and B, and disdains you when you ask for clarity.).

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