Monday, April 06, 2020

The Chinese cyberwar

since the ChiComs had hacked my federal OPM file, I know about this: the Chinese have an ongoing cyber war going on with the west.

and yes, in the middle of a wuhanflu crisis, they are trying to hack health care data systems:
Cyberhackers out of China in the time of the virus: has been heavy since January. Hacking key industries, defense, everything. Especially American healthcare. Puzzling. While the Chinese govt was trying to suppress the virus and also information, it was still heavily engaged in this familiar but malign activity. [Leopards don’t change their spots.]

and if you think it's bad now, wait until they take over the internet via their "5G system.

Austin Bay explains:

Its most worrisome operation gambit involves the 5G "next generation" wireless communication systems that have the ability to connect cellphones, the internet, the internet of things — well, virtually all things digital. Huawei intends to provide hardware and corporate technical support.
Here's the high-risk rub: Does anyone not on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party trust Beijing's dictatorship with the power to pervasively monitor communications (spy locally as well as globally), interrupt, deny or corrupt digital services, and possibly take surreptitious control of digital devices, say, the air traffic control computers at Los Angeles International Airport? Outrageous scenario?
No, given Huawei's baggage is a legitimate worry exacerbated by the regime's criminal dishonesty (e.g., lying about COVID-19/Wuhan virus). For all practical purposes, Huawei is a Chinese Communist Party tool.
a here in the Philippines, China routinely bribes the government (the ZTE scandal about broadband service here included charges of money exchanging hands and a tacit agreement about taking over the Spratlys islands)... recent news reports suggest that China's 5G program is similarly using bribes to get control of the internet in other countries... 

luckily the press here caught the ZTE scandal and stopped it  but alas their later outright takeover of shoals (by digging up the seafloor and making artificial islands) was not stopped because the Obama administration said take it to court, don't fight. So the Philippines won in court, but China is ignoring it.

In the meanwhile, the clumsy CIA intervention in the Philippines against Duterte has pushed him into China's hands. Sigh.

China is big at pressuring the Philippines: Last week, I linked to an article where China pressured the health ministry here to withdraw a statement saying that their Wuhuflu tests didn't work, and this is only the tip of the iceburg.

on top of this, Chinese newspapers often "hint" that they plan to take over Luzon because it was once part of a greater China (which is news to the Caliphate who actually ran the place before Spain came ).

The Philippines is big on cellphones and internet use, and letting a potential enemy control our communications system is a real worry: if bribery doesn't work it means China could "accidentally" shut us down to punish us for getting ou of line.

5G is already in Manila, and spreading. and the local phone company is putting up 5G here: even in our rural area.

 Kuya refused them permission to put towers on our fields, because he worries about the toxic effects of the emissions from those towers. But most of the farmers are poor so will take the money.

and as a "green" (we are in the organic rice business after all), I am wondering where are all the protesters about the physical dangers of 5G?  (even those of us who aren't into conspiracy theories sort of worry about it, since there haven't been adequate studies on the risk yet).

so where are all the "green" protesters?

Probably waiting until the US decides to set up a system and then get into the act similar to how they block pipelines and fracking that keep America from needing foreign oil, while protesting "no war for oil", and ignoring how China is trying to steal the petroleum resources in the West Philippine sea (and destroying the eco system there, and blocking sealanes to Korea and Japan).

by the way, that aircraft carrier kerfuffle where a bunch of sailors caught wuhanflu was because that carrier had visited Viet Nam in an outreach to increase friendly relations there, since Duterte is stopping the joint training with US troops here

Bite: Duterte and everyone here knows Uncle Sam will come and help no matter what, so this is not really risky. However, dissing China will get you punished.

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