Friday, November 13, 2020

typhoon report 2

Kuya says that the unharvested rice was flattened by th wind and probably will be a loss for us and the other farmers. This will be a major disaster for local folks. 

For some reason, the price of rice is low (cheap imports under pricing local farmers? I am not sure why) And the low price for rice means that those who sold it won't have a good profit, and those like us who store it to sell lare when demand is up might also lose out income.

Kuya reports a lot of trees were toppled and trees and debris blocking the roads. The electricity remains out, because of tree damage to power lines, although the maid said it went on in her part of town this morning.

A lot of tin roofs were blown off here in town and in the nearby farm areas.. Our bodega at the farm lost its roof so we may lose part of the stored rice there. Our maid's home hhad the roof blown off so I gave her 20 dollrs for plywood etc for a temporary roof. Parts of town were flooded near the river, and Joys friend in Marikina, in Manila, said their house is under water (that area is below sea level and the surveyers had imposed a no build zone there years ago, but their warnings were ignored and corruption allows middle class houses ti be built there).

And in other bad news...a tree fell on our breeding hen turkey. 
The good new? She was delicious...

The 30 foot high Christmas tree in the plaza blew down. The ferris wheel looks ok. Some of the food kiosks on the end collapsed. Lots of downed or sagging wires in the street. The mango tree across the street was having it's cracked branches removed and the edges of the street is full of debris  
But the streedt itself is now clear.
Update 2

Electricity is back on. Thank you to the electric company

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