Thursday, November 12, 2020

typhoon report

The typhoon went thru last night. The city turned off the electricity at midnight as the winds got bad ...the eye of the typhoon passed over us at 4 am, and the winds after it passed was worse than before...pat of our roof blew off, and rain flooded the dining room.  We had lots to clean up but except for a small leak in the bathroom ceiling the bedrooms were ok.

The banana trees in the front yard all were blown down but the palm trees and other trees were ok

No electricity but we turned our generator on at 4 pm after the rain had stopped and the hole in the roof was covered with a tarp.

At 4 pm Kuya drove to the farm to check the stored rrice and to see if the rice in the 2 small fields that havent been harvested yet were destroyed. Hopfully the roads will be cleared of debris so he can get there.

I think this is the 4th major typhoon that hit us since I moved here 15 years ago...not the worst one...and this is the second time the eye went over our town.

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