Wednesday, December 23, 2020

facebook? not if I can help it.

I just declined to add my grade school friends to my FB page, and told the friend who was suggesting this why:

Facebook is toxic and I avoid it for the sake of my mental health.

I understand it is worse for teenagers: My sister in law told me years ago that she stopped using it when her daughter, who is a good athlete, had her FB page full of rabidly hateful criticism.

Essentially, FB allows the "mean girls" and the nasty gossipers to rule.

so the present epidemic of bullying is nothing new: Yes, they existed long before FB and Twitter. 

but what got me really upset was the almost daily anti Christian/ anti God/ anti Catholic bigotry that was posted by "progressive" friends. I tried answering them, but to no avail. 

Hello: This type of hatred is pathological: and alas only echoes the anti Christian/ Anti Catholic bigotry of the Democratic party that has been growing ever since the early 1990s, when Gov Casey was openly ridiculed on the floor of the convention because he was anti abortion and had passed bills to help women with their expenses so they could carry their pregnancy to term. Even though he was one of the most popular Democratic governors, he was not allowed to give a speech to the convention and was openly mocked by the mean girls who had essentially taken over the party.

So you see why I am not impressed by "doctor" Jill, whose easy degree is touted by her as if she was a "real" doctor, who actually cared for people (quick: How often does the press call Senator Rand "doctor"? ).

well, anyway, I decided to stop checking in on Facebook more than once a week, even though it meant not seeing my relative's baby photos.

there is also the problem that FB is now full of ads for stuff I am not interested in. 

and full of political ads and news stories that fit the bias of Silicon Valley.

in the 2016 election, ads from Russia were exaggerated into the story that Russia helped Trumpiboy steal the election.

But apparently bias in the social media. not to mention your Google searches, in the 2020 election has essentially allowed these companies to "donate" free advertisements for one party in a way that goes around campaign finance laws.

And now: not only feisty non PC professors face ostracism but Youtube is busy censoring  conservative voices.

I'm so old that I remember when corporate monopolies in the public media was a liberal complaint. 

Well, here is John Bachelor podcast discussing the problem.

well well well.

Of course, much of this was reported on the conspiracy type sites,  so I knew about it, but hey, when the real news is censored, then people go to the conspiracy sites.

the side effect is the promotion of real fake news, which now becomes more believable.

Ironically, most conspiracy theories have a grain of truth in them, usually a fact that is being censored by the MSM... and then they exaggerate that fact without putting it into the perspective of the whole picture.

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