Wednesday, March 10, 2021

congratulations to Joy

Joy is  busy attending and giving a talk on line confernce

She is the only Filipina chosen from the alumni of the 10 thousand women group

In the past, they went to the meeting, but this year it is on line...usually late at night for her.

The group is an outreach of Goldman sachs, to help women entrpeneurs to network with each other.

Joy has a business in selling organic rice and her company works with the government to train local farmers, mainly in Bulacan, who they then subcontract to buy their crop and sell it in supermarkets in the Manila area (and maybe in the future, overseas).

 You see, farmers don't get a good price for regular rice, because the prices are undercut by imports from other countries. But there is a growing middle class here willing to pay more for organically grown rice, especially brown rice, and vegetables.

The set up is similar to a agribusiness coop, where Joy arranges milling and packing and delivery for the subcontracted farmers.

In other family news:

Because her computer  battery decided to die she borrowed my computor, which is newer, as a backup. Usually this is no problem since I mainly use my tablet anyway.

So my tablet chose this time to die on me. Kuya took it to get fixed but the tech wasn't available until next week, so I bought a smaller tablet which is actually a large  cellphone to use as a backup.

One of these days I will get a sim card and cellphone number. 

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