Thursday, March 11, 2021

Madea to the rescue

Life imitates art.

I just read on the bbc that when a young,  vulnerable and indigent family fled to tbe USA because they were in danger of being attacked by thugs and needed protection, that Medea Found them a safe place to stay.

In their tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have revealed that - after they were cut off by the Royal Family - it was US media mogul Tyler Perry who provided Harry and Meghan with a home and security in California in 2020.

yes, there are good people in the world willing to help those in need: 

Hmmm...since they have since then moved out, maybe Madea could allow the mansion to house a few of the 100 thousand refugees fleeing real violence in Central and South America...

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