I am a blue dog Democrat, but sometimes I snoop on right wing sites to find out what is going on
LINK: Conservative Tree House.
yes she has since removed it. But she felt comfortable doing so on the website of America's most esteemed newspaper. Huh?
Then we have this from LifeSiteNews:
Big tech sharing data with counterterrorism organizations.
hmmm... what could go wrong?
And then there are the hearings about the Washington riots. When the hearings are one sided and are being done to push a single line of questioning, it resembles propaganda. This will only convince those who are true believers. I always wondered: So where were the cops? And who opened the door?
and is this 1930s novel a prophecy?
Dilbert notes that the covid test can't tell the difference between covid and influenza, which might explain why there were so few flu cases last winter
so now we have the delta variant means more cases and can infect the vaccinated. So get hysterical? A lot of people are skeptical.
The real missing discussion is the few deaths. And questions on herd immunity. And on immunity on those who had the virus.
Here alas there is vaccine skepticism especially for the Chinese vaccine, sinovax...Luckily other vaccines are now available....and most people are going along with masks,.. and contact tracing. Right now our bank is closed for ten days. And Dr. Angie has had to quarantine twice for being exposed, even though she is fully vaccinated and has no symptoms.
But now with reports of the delta variant, the govt says they might keep the capital region shut down, and now I am seeing objections in the comments... people want to go back to work and are out of money.
as for farmers, the heavy rain over the last two weeks mean they are waiting to plant rice seedlings.
And with higher fertilizer and diesel prices, plus too much rain, will we see food prices go up?
I was in Liberia when an increase in the price of rice led to a coup.
Finally, all the civil liberty types are correctly upset that someone snooped on a gay hookup app on a bigshot priest in Washington... Too bad they aren't upset that china hacked my opm file or that big data is not only tracking trump supporters but selling our data to all and sundry.
But China had the dating app data and the social media data too, making some wonder if this helped them blackmail the Vatican to let them take over the church there.
Personally I doubt it...the rumor is that money changed hands.
the delta varient is less lethal. And vaccinated people who get the infection don't get as sick.
we are due for our second shot next week.
And the single shot Johnson and Johnson shot is now being given out in our town.
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