Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Weightlifting Fairy: in real life she's a Pinay

 Duterte gave his state of the nation address yesterday, but no one was watching or cared. Because everyone was watching Hidilyn Diaz win the gold medal in weight lifting at the Olympids.


She is from a working class family and had to scrounge to get equipment to practice lifting. Her cousin got her interested in the sport.

her biography says she is 30 years old and at present is in the Air Force

....this 2016 article has photos and information on Hidilyn and her family.

the phrase "weightlifting fairy" refers to a popular coming of age K Drama named "weightlifting fairy",  about a girl who learned weightlifting from her father. Wikipedia article.

Miss Diaz is a K drama fan, according to her facebook page... and  although the weightlifting fairy drama came after she was involved in weightlifting, my granddaughter tells me that Diaz did get some tips on training from the series.

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