Thursday, July 01, 2021

Sit back and smile

 There is so much angst and hysteria on line that I thought I'd link to Minnesota nice.

Garrison Keillor's essay today is about returning home and just having supper with friends.

It was a jovial two hours and because I am fifty years older than either of them, I did not natter. There was no nattering, no reminiscence about the Swinging Sixties back when pop songs made sense.
I asked them questions about their lives and it was illuminatory and inspiring, to hear about real things. Two hours, during which we did not spend one minute talking about the issues and crises that newspaper columnists have been agonizing over for the past five years. The political fortunes of Vlad the Impaler did not occupy us for five seconds.
She is heading into the business of listening to troubled people and he is managing a venue for punk bands and stand-up comics and both are doing well and this makes me happy: young people avoiding the many dark corridors available and pursuing what makes them happy. This gives me hope for the future, which I have much less of than they, that friendship will see us through whatever happens.

For awhile Keillor was in a bitter period but now he's back to being the mellow fellow who gives you hope.

and his Writer's Almanac podcast is now on Youtube:


podcasts of the Prairie home Companion and some of his books are on line at internet archives LINK

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