Friday, October 08, 2021

the world is crazy, no?

 I had assumed the US vaccines had been made with cell lines that dated before 2000's when Bush stopped taxpayer money to be used for new cell lines that killed fetuses. This meant that although the cells were morally problematic, until there was an alternative, the Vatican said that the cell lines were so distant from the abortion (over ten years or even over 30 years before) that the vaccine could be used until there was alternative.

And since the bishops as usual didn't make a fuss to pressure the companies, well after all, apparently it was cheaper to just buy baby body parts than figure out how to make adult stem cell lines to make vaccines.

(Ironically it was a Japanese Buddhist scientist who got moral qualms about his research and invented a way to make adult stem cells work)

But now, a PJMedia story on leaked emails that admit new babykilling done to get cell lines to make their newfangled vaccine. It seems they are only using the old cell lines, but the coverup suggests there is more to it.


So apparently the crazy Catholics who don't want the Pfizer vaccine are right in having a moral objection.

Someone tell the Pope. 

I got the Astrazeneca, and have no idea how it is made. 

But you know, in our local Philippine newspaper, there was an editorial by a pro chinese writer that pointed out that the western vaccines were made possible by abortion, but that the (weak) Sinovax was not. Of course, the Chinese lie all the time, so who knows, but when rigid catholics object to "Vaccines" I point this out: That there are several vaccines made in several different ways by several different countries, so stop lumping them all together.

But like the masks etc this is a social contagion, a reaction against the craziness of the elites.

Only Dr Rand Paul dares to whisper: Post infection immunity should count.

I myself am worried, not about the deaths, because there just aren't that many (30 thousand deaths over a year in the Philippines out of over a million cases, and probably more since most folks don't get a test).

I am however worried about economic collapse, hunger in poor people as higher petrol and higher fertilizer prices make the price of food go up, and the increase in unemployment and poverty, especially in those who were just getting out of poverty.

That is how revolutions start.

and the rumbles out of China are not comforting: so will they start a little war against Taiwan to distract their people from the economic slump?


Finally, the latest enemy is parents objecting to decisions of the school boards.

When I worked in Apalachia, the school board decided to cut the school budget by firing the art teacher who had been in the primary school for 30 years. We had a community meeting, held in a room that held 100 but had at least 200 inside and some people ouside. 

Hard working coal miners got up and testified how they wanted to keep the teacher, and how she had inspired them. To no avail. 

and the local newspaper, also run by the elites, had a snotty article saying only a few people showed up to object to laying off the teacher. Which meant they didn't send a reporter but did a phone interview with the elite school board. 


It really wasn't my fight since I had my kids in church schools, but when I read that now the Biden adminstration wants to consider those objecting to teaching racism and hatred of America in public schools are now going to be seen as terrorists, then I wonder WTF is going on.

I lived outside the US during the Reagan and Carter administrations, so know that the news may have little or nothing to do with the reality of inside the USA, but hey, one does wonder.


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