the claim that that Covid came from a lab leak was believed by ordinary folk (and Trumpieboy) since the start of the epidemic, but any discussion of this was censored in the social media.
But now that MSM and government sites are saying the same thing, does this mean we can discuss this?
and what is the implications to ordinary folk trusting institutions? the discussion notes: everyone knew it, but it was not allowed to be discussed.
part of the problem was how the government tried to censor everything., not just the wuhan lab leak but how society should respond to it shutdown full or partial?
The pesky first amendment stopped them from doing it officially but now we are finding out how government agencies used twitter to do this, making one suspect that other social media sites were also pressured to censor badthink by government agencies.
Questions about the response to the epidemic that was not done but should have been discussed:
Should we balance the problem of being infected with the need of the elderly to have family visiting?
Should we allow the use of a medicine with few side effects like HCQ or Ivermectin or Vitamin D or herbal medicines, or should we remove the medical license of doctors who advise for such use?
What about the shutdown of society: we face economic depression that will probably kill people, so should that be limited and how should that be done?
the main problem? The federal government worked with the social media to censor alternative theories being discussed. And now that this is being exposed in the twitterfile investigation, the twitter file expose is being ignored by the MSM.
what needs to be discussed now that the pandora's box of silence is being shattered:
One: the coverup of the Wuhan lab leak, and if the US funding of the Wuhan lab was the reason the government health officials went along with the lies.
Two: The implications of the Wuhan lab leak coverup by the WHO.
Three: The fact that Trumpieboy closed the borders to try to stop it from coming to the USA and was demonized because the WHO and CHina at the time insisted it was not infectious. Were the facts here (racism charges) politicized to destroy Trump?... heck, even now the fact Chna won't let the lab be investigated is blamed on the fact that Trump did this, and made them mad, not because they want to deny they had a lab accident and covered it up to save face. this has geopolitical implications with a China that is becoming more aggressive against East Asian countries. Eight part podcast on this starts here:
p>Four: the shut down of society which only now is being recognized as causing more deaths (from other diseases that were not diagnosed or treated properly, from being unemployed, from depression and other social results of isolation). Question: is the despair from social isolation have anything to do with the 100 thousand Fentanyl deaths?
So why wasn't these risks from the shutdown of society allowed to be discussed i.e. the cost benefit ratio, especially as those at high risk received the vaccine (which worked and saved lives), meaning that the risk had gone down? This was especially true as the milder Omicron version started to go around, and probably induced herd immunity.
Five": the suspicion now being pushed that the economic shutdown shows that the public will obey the changes that are needed for the Great Reset. Is there truth in this conspiray theory?
Six: the implications of freedom of speech that can be extended to other matters, such as the censorship of Harry Potter because the author dared to say men and women exists, or the censorship of books (the latest: James Bond, who they just noticed is a male chauvenist pig, duh ).
Seven: What happens when AI becomes politicized?
What I worry is that the mistrust of science and government because of the lies, censorship and over reaction will make people sceptical of a really dangerous epidemic: and the worry that Bird flu or a similar disease will break out into a really dangerous epidemic, (probably not says Dr. C):
But if bird flu or a similar virus pops up that could cause an epidemic, the problem is that no one will obey.
and it could have other political implications if those who didn't kowtow to the science or woke push back.
Not good news for the Democrats. Sigh.