Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Side with the civilized, not the barbarians

 There is a story about a time when the Mongols were asking the crusader states to help them fight the local Muslims, so they could pass through and invade Egypt.

The king of France thought this was a great idea, but the Pope had received news of the horrible massacres, especially the destruction of Baghdad, and said do not help them: because one should always side with the civilized, not with the barbarians.

The usual idiots are rejoicing that Hamas soldiers massacred unarmed men, women and children. 

One expects this of barbarians but the shame is that the left in the US is rejoicing with them. 

They are siding with the barbarians, and more shame to them.

And of course, the anti war left will shout with anger about genocide when Israel destroys munitions hidden in civilian areas (a war crime to hide munitions in civilian areas because of the danger, but never mind: when they explode, and civilians are injured, they just shout it's Israel's fault.) Just ignore that Israel gave them ample warning to leave.

This has been going on for years. And it long predates the state of Israel.

Hatred is a choice: look at Yugoslavia, whose civil war killed hundreds of thousands because locals remembered hatred between ethnic groups, some of which went back centuries. This was blamed on religion despite the fact that few in that country went to church or mosque and the churches opposed the war.

There are religious ïssues behind the action:

 GetReligion has a list of them here, including the Jewish right wing desire to destroy the Mosque in Jerusalem and build a new Temple. Won't happen, of course, but hey it makes good propaganda to inflame hatred of Israel.

No, hatred is a choice in all these conflicts. 

So anyway, yes the Palestinians had a bad deal and the heavy hand of Israel makes it worse, 

But my question: missiles are expensive, so where did they get the money? Stolen from money meant to support civilians of course. 

but when every peace plan was refused, and when Palestinian terrorists have sponsored repeated attacks against civilians, even civilians outside of the area, occur, then one has to say: grow up. 

It's sort of like what Trump told North Korea; you can have resorts and money or you can continue to face starvation by promoting war and nuclear weapons. 

Ah, but making peace would mean the big shots would lose the ability to steal money and have power. Not logical but alas true. And so they spout propaganda that is alas believed by the naive children of light.

According to the scripture "the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." This observation fits the modern situation. Our democratic civilization has been built, not by children of darkness but by foolish children of light. It has been under attack by the children of darkness, by the moral cynics, who declare that a strong nation need acknowledge no law beyond its strength. It has come close to complete disaster under this attack, not because it accepted the same creed as the cynics; but because it underestimated the power of self-interest, both individual and collective, in modern society. The children of light have not been as wise as the children of darkness.

StrategyPage has a long analysis of the situation, Sacrificing Hamas, which can be summarized as saying the Mullahs of Iran were willing to sacrifice Hamas (and Gaza) to stop the growing agreements between the Sunni Arab world and Israel. 

It is a warning to these states that their proxies can do the same to destroy them too.

and any Israeli attack on Iran might take the pressure off of a government that is facing increased opposition due to...women's clothing of all things. 

Jailing and having women die in custody because they refuse to wear a headscarf should have energized the left in the West who usually cares about human rights: indeed one jailed leader of the protest just won the Nobel Peace Prize. 

And one wonders these supporters of Islam were when China decided to reeducate their Uighar people, or when the Rohingye were chased from a land where they had lived for generations. 

hey the BLM protests have resulted in increased crime and are becoming unpopular so they have to protest something. 

alas these protests bodes poorly for ordinary Muslims in the USA who just want to raise families and be part of a free society, because now they will face more suspicion of being possible terrorists by too many of the public there.


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