Sunday, December 31, 2023

conspiracy theory of the week


a bit over the top like all conspiracy theories. 

But as we were taught in Psychiatry class: if a person says the Mafia is after them check first if the mafia is after them: sometimes these theories are true. Or partly true.

He notes correctly that covid was predicted so maybe it was planned.

Not really: A lot of the diseases out there are a possible danger. (and remember: A lot of their predictions never came true, such as monkeypox or bird flu becoming  major epidemics). 

And many really scary epidemics that actually happened never got into the western MSM headlines ( the more recent Ebola epidemics in Central Africa, which were also stopped by vaccines come to mind).'

Lots of books out there about the threats of new (or old) diseases causing epidemics.

There was even a minor outbreak of yellow fever awhile back in Angola that spread to the nearby Congo and a few cases were diagnosed in China was stopped by vaccines and routine mosquito control. At the same time a minor epidemic in Brazil happened and the problem was they almost ran out of vaccines... that also was stopped by routine mosquito killing and vaccine. 

Yellow fever could easily have been spread to the USA, where there are similar mosquitoes (no, not from global warming: Philly had an epidemic in 1790s)...

This danger got few headlines in the USA...

Yet Zika, a much less serious infection, spread by the same mosquito, was trumpeted by the MSM. Why? to pressure Brazil and other South American countries to legalize abortion on demand.

So relying on the MSM for epidemics is flawed, and often has more to do with political agendas than with reality.

As for those meetings on possible epidemics: these are for planning so that weak points in response are identified and plans to cope are developed. Think Logistics.

Holding war games is a common way for the military to identify weaknesses and develop plans on how to respond. Todays NYTimes article notes that Israel's invasion trying to stop Hamas rockets and catch terrorists did not have such plans and discusses the problems the troops faced (and of course the danger to the innocent caught up in what is called the fog of war).

 Similarly, emergency drills, often regional ones, train EMTs and hospitals how to respond to emergencies.

We had one such disaster drill that posited a tornado hit the town. a very real danger in some areas of the USA. That doesn't mean some evil globalist agenda used HAARP to produce tornadoes or that our disaster drill caused a tornado.

 One backstory of the `1989 Sioux city airplane crash was that the post crash emergency response went so well because they had had such a regional emergency drill shortly prior to the crash, so the ambulances and hospitals had a coordinated response that probably saved many of the injured.

Ironically, conspiracy theorists point to the war gaming of anticipated epidemics as if this planning a threat, when actually these meetings are planning a response to a well known possible threat,

The dirty little secret: There are threats out there. The trick is to guess which ones will come true. So you make plans for all sorts of threats, so the logistical planning in in place when the caca hits the fan.

one of the first war games of epidemics was done before 911, and was based on a theoretical release of small pox in a truck stop in Oklahoma.

So after 911, our public health clinic was sent instructions on how to respond to a  smallpox release, and how to isolate patients and do ring vaccinations. 

Since I had worked in Africa, I was the doctor assigned to read this in case something happened, and I was impressed: It was similar to how we doctors in Africa were instructed on how to respond to a nearby cholera epidemic: stuff like to use schools for isolating patients outside of hospitals, how to do ring vaccinations to stop the spread etc.

But of course smallpox was never released (only a strain of ordinary anthrax, which was supposed to have been released by a crazy doctor who had access to the germ, but did not have access to equipment to weaponize the spores to make them lethal, but never mind. Comey needed to close the case. But that's another story for another rant)...

similarly, bird flu was war gamed in 2016 but luckily for the world that virus, although humans have caught it from infected birds, has not yet evolved to human to human spread.

Covid is similar to SARS and MERS, but has a lower mortality. You control it by screening, isolation, and ordinary protective equipment. No problem...yet it spread widely. Why? Because it was covered up for at least two months, letting it spread to Europe and parts of the USA before a rogue Chinese doctor left a message on a public discussion board that there was a dangerous viral pneumonia out there that was killing people in Wuhan.

There are a lot of scientific arguments that it was accidentally released and the release was covered up not just by China but by the WHO.

well, China lies to save face. 

But why the WHO pretended it was not spread person to person for weeks after this was known is a major scandal.

And why did the press condemn Trump for pointing out it was coming from China as racism.

But the plans to respond to a SARS like epidemic were already there: And the plans became more important than the reality. 

Trump, by letting the governors decide the response, did provide some flexibility in the response, but the idea that the plan was science and could not be criticized became the rule in the MSM, and most states and medical organizations went along with the plan.

Why? Because rules  science.

One result was to forbid doctors to prescribe certain drugs that might have helped, and an almost total blackout when some public health doctors pointed out the overwhelming bad effects of shutting down society.

The idea that rules were more important than reality can be seen in the nursing home deaths.

Nursing homes didn't allow visits, fine, but out of date Medicare rules said patients released from hospitals were mandated to get readmitted into their nursing homes.

That is the reason that both New York and Pennsylvania let infectious covid patients back into their nursing homes, causing many deaths.

Cuomo eventually got blamed for the 9000 New York deaths, but for some reason the Pennsylvania public health doctor who allowed infectious patients back into nursing homes was rewarded with a high government position, probably not for his botched response to covid but because he is trans and trans cannot be criticized you bigot.

So yes, the ministry of truth stuff that this video is discussing has a lot of truth in it...a bit overdone of course, but that is what happens when you distort the truth and censor the story: truth erupts with a vengeance. 

that is why the lack of coverage about the WHO saying they want to control what countries do because health, is really scary, because theoretically it means that a UN linked organization that lied about the source of covid, lied for awhile about the human to human infectivity of the virus, and botched the Covid response will be in charge of the world.

their treaty overrides all other laws in every country, but hey, don't discuss this, or you will be called an evil racist right wing MAGA extremist.



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