Saturday, December 30, 2023

the frustrations of fake news

 Was the George Floyd story manipulated?

..restraints of people fighting you is dangerous for both the patient and the caregiver/cop, (those who never worked with violent people naively don't realize this).

and of course, with a criminal, it could be a ploy to escape.

but pressure on the lateral neck does not impede the airway. and saying you can't breathe doesn't mean you can't breathe.

The danger of fentanyl overdose is that when you pass out, your tongue falls back and you can't breathe. So to stop this you either have to open the mouth, pull the chin forward and insert an airway, (something very hard to do with a combative patient)... the alternative is to put the person on their side to keep the airway open and it also makes it easier to clear the vomitus from the mouth.

this is called the recovery position.

..Now I know this and indeed any medically trained person who has worked with combative overdoses knows this....did anyone write about this when the story happened? You have to remember that I live in the Philippines so don't have all those cable news channels discussing such things so it makes me wonder.


the UK Economist: asks if the NYTimes lost their way.

every one of his (Trump's)  political lies became more powerful because journalists had forfeited what had always been most valuable about their work: their credibility as arbiters of truth and brokers of ideas, which for more than a century, despite all of journalism’s flaws and failures, had been a bulwark of how Americans govern themselves.

The average Yank who saw Trumpieboy on his tv shows knows he bullshits a lot, so you don't take him seriously when he exaggerates. Indeed, if you read his books, he teaches this as a negotiating tactic in business.

But one does expect the MSM to be a bit more truthful...

It is sort of like when I read AlJezeerah on Gaza, I know they are based in (Iran friendly) Qatar and will be biased and not question the narrative, so I take what they reports are true but not the whole truth. They truthfully report the Hamas press releases, and have articles by reporters who admit they are in Gaza to report on the bad Israelis. In other words, one side of the story, and maybe from Hamas liars (500 killed in a hospital that was bombed? whoops. Make that half a dozen in the parking lot killed when a nearby missile misfired). 

Indeed, a lot of the lies about Gaza are by folks crying genocide: based on Hamas press release. Without verification.

Attention: Wars are nasty and a lot of innocent people are killed in the crossfire. But when one side aims to keep weapons in civilian areas, stop civilians from fleeing, and to use civilian dead as propaganda, maybe they aren't the good guys they are pretending to be.

And I have nothing but contempt by those crying genocide... probably half of the dead are soldiers, and  ten thousand dead from a population of two million is not genocide...

Ah but the anti semites in the US are ignoring the real genocides in the area in Syria, Lebanon, against the Kurds by Turkey, not to mention the Rohingye and Uighars.sigh.

attacking normal people doesn't bode well for the Democrats, but only John Fetterman (!) dares to warn them. 

Me, I remember 1968... and that is how you got Nixon.


I won't go into all the censorship on covid, where real experts were censored and even lost their jobs for not going along with the narrative.


I did read the book Work Racism.

The problem? I was working class and indeed there is racism out there. But the Archie Bunker racists tended to work with other races and cultures, and much of their crude language was not echoed in their deeds.

But for the upper class white elite, it is good that someone points out the errors in this mindset.

But when doctors lose patience with poor people who are destroying their lives with bad behavior, you can see how this could be twisted into a racism meme, even though the druggies etc. in many areas are white. It is economic bias.

That is why I understand where my patients come from, but I will not be silenced when the PC pretend not shutting down mass demonstrations in the midst of a Covid epidemic, or nowadays not shutting down gay raves spreading monkeypox because of political correctness, or the failure to point out the severe side effects of hormones and GNRH antagonists on both the body and emotions is quite severe and might be part of the reason for the high suicide rate in the children who are trans (or maybe claiming to be trans because doing so gets you a lot of emotional support and positive feedback). 


never mind.

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