Friday, December 08, 2023

Francis cancels people over trivia (not pedophile stuff)

Francis is still busy canceling Catholics. No, not just Texans or those who dare ask him to clarify a document that goes against 2000 years of Catholic law.

Now they are coming after an Eastern church in India: the Syro-Malabar church of southern India: obey him in how the mass should be said. Laypeople's opinions not welcome.

so what it this about? It's about when and if the priest should face the people or face East... in the ancient tradition, the priest faced the east but after Vatican II they faced the people, which upset a lot of folk. So a compromise was reached by the bishop's conference: partly face the east during the consecration, but face the people for the teaching part of the mass... most diocese accepted this without a problem. But in one diocese, activist post Vatican II priests refused and began protesting. 

So the Pope told them obey the bishop's council decision because church unity or something. 

a win for tradition, right? Not quite: 

The bishop was forced to resign because land deal or something...

But of course this is not about long standing customs on how to say the mass, but about a push to make everyone obey the dictates of Francis, aka the dictator Pope, to implement stuff.

Today he backs the bishops conference that wants to continue to center their worship on God (symbolized by the eastern orientation) but seeing how Francis and the Jesuits work, I suspect this is part of a long term strategy to expand the power of the papacy to decide how you should say the mass (and starting a precident that if you say it wrong, you will be kicked out of the church).

So yes, short term it seems that the bishops and tradition won this one: but one wonders what will happen in another twenty years when the pep rally mass Vatican II priests will just happen to be appointed as bishops by Francis minded Vatican to run the place and then voila they can impose their own pep rally masses on the locals and they will just silence locals with the cry of unity using this history to reinforce their power.

why do I say this? Because I saw how it was done in the USA, when those in charge not only changed the mass, inserted lousy hymns we were supposed to sing, and stripped our churches of the statues, art work, and the beloved decor in the name of Vatican II.

In Johnstown, locals managed to stop the modernists from destroying their churches by getting the state to declare their church with it's art work as a heritage site. And in Oklahoma, when one modern priest started tearing down the altar decorations, the tribe went to the priest and pointed out that the church had been built by local tribal funds, so they had a right to stop him from destroying the art work designed with the help of local Indian artists.

But for most folk, we were left in Limbo and told to shut up and worship as directed in our ugly churches with their ugly liturgies.

So who cares? a tempest in a teapot? Yes and no.

there is a psychological reason behind this fight: When the priest faces the people, it emphasizes the Eucharist as a meal (good, but as we see in some parishes in the US, quickly evolves to a pep rally service where the Eucharist is merely a symbol, and receiving the Eucharist is a feel good action so anyone, even those known to be open sinners, can receive the sacrament).

 But facing the East or the altar reminds one that the Mass is the retelling of the Last Supper and the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and when we receive the Eucharist, we are literally receiving Christ into our deepest soul so we need to approach this with humility. But it also be a problem: going to fancy church service  means showing off your latest fashion to the others in church, and limiting your beliefs to one hour a week.

the Eastern churches tend to be more mystical in worship so sought to keep their ancient worship service, but they ran into a fight with the modern liturgists who cited Vatican II and wanted the pep rally mass. 

The western church emphasizes logic and deeds, but the eastern church, influenced by the mysticism of Hinduism etc. has more emphasis on the mystical relationship to God.

The eastern churches, both those still under the Pope and those who are Orthodox, know this, and this is why their worship has more emphasis on the mystical, whereas the western church has strayed into logic and good deeds so deeply that only an agnostic Jungian psychologist like Jordan Peterson dare to point out the importance of worship: because this leads one to the deeper meaning of what life is about. 

But for some reason Francis is making a major case about what most of us who are Catholics see as a minor issue, partly because both sides of the argument are correct 

but also because how we approach God is partly dependent on our culture. So Yanks worship God by doing good deeds, Philipinos worship God in fiestas and see God and Mary as part of our family, and Africans dance for joy because you show happiness with your whole body, not by quiet prayer.


Which brings us to India:

.Obey the pope or else you aren't Catholic? Why? Because he can. It is a power play to show who is the boss. 

I repeat: For ordinary Catholics all this should be a tempest in a tea pot, and the bishop allow the exceptions if the parish people desire it. No big deal.

But seen through the eyes of power politics, this is about sending a message to obey or else.

Right now, the decision is against the modernist priests, so presumably the conservative Catholics should be happy.

Except:  one suspects that the Vatican will stealthily appoint the modernist priests as bishops in the near future, and they will decide to change the mass to the newfangled western pep rally liturgy. 

Why do I say this? Because this is how Francis works: saying one thing and then letting his minions destroy the church in his name and not correcting them when they spout heresy or nonsense.... 

Removing bishops who are orthodox and appointing those who are friendly to his reforms is also part of the way to destroy the church, as is openess to sin in the name of openess to sinner who no longer are urged to repent because hey God loves you. (in contrast, the old church let everyone in because they figured everyone was a sinner. But the priest didn't try to pretend sin didn't matter).

But maybe the worse problem with Francis is his morphing of doing good deeds into the only way to serve God. Sorry but before Vatican II the norm in the old church reminded us we were the hands of God in the world: Caring for our family and our neighbor, and having religious orders to open hospitals and schools was the norm. (But then Vatican II told the religious to do their own thing and skip the prayers, so many left).

Francis is just pushing the boundaries of this last part: changing the church's role in the world, to make the Catholic church (and her many institutions) obedient to the policies of the NWO and to forget that inconvenient part about Jesus and just turn the church into a secular NGO.

Ironically this agnostic Irish playwright foresaw this fifty years ago:


.... and in the meanwhile, Francis is backing the latest global warming stuff. 

No, this is not bad theology per se. Respect for nature and promoting sustainable development goes back to St Benedict's monasteries, who after the fall of Rome not only preserved ancient books and opened schools and hospitals, but taught modern farming techniques to the local peasants.

But Francis and his minion bishops go furthur than condemning companies that pollute the environment: They want to get rid of the capitalist economy that lifted much of the world out of poverty over the last 50 years. And condemning modern appliances and transportation that let us live more comfortably because fossil fuel is bad.

So yes, Companies who save money by polluting the environment are sinning, but am I a sinner because I breathe better when I use an Air conditioner

How about when I point out to ivory tower think tanks pushing the idea to get rid of fossil fuel, but who seem unaware of the necessity of using Diesel to run farm machinery to grow food: to grow our (organic) rice, we now use handplows and harvester/threshers instead of doing it by hand, and with (diesel) irrigation pumps we can get two crops a year. 

Are these bozos aware that without modern farming methods rice would be too expensive for the urban poor, resulting in starvation and/or (what I saw in Liberia) a revolution against the government that allowed the price of rice to skyrocket?

Ecology and green policies are good, but when those proposing them don't have hands on experience with the reality of growing food, what results is tyranny or massive starvation.

and no, the Pope didn't notice this: It was a good Muslim from an oil rich country who dared to tell the truth to these elite bozos: 

UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’

So I get less upset with the Pope dining with trans prostitutes as I do when the pope kowtows to the elites who have long term plans on remaking the world whose policies will lead to peaceful depopulation at best or massive starvation at worst.

Is the Pope condemning those NWO types including Jane Goodall who push their eco friendly solutions to save Mother Gaia by proposing painless genocide of useless eaters    lowering the world's population to half a billion folks (leaving out the details on how they plan to do this).

So again it is not the Pope, but the atheist Elon Musk who points out that this would result in genocide.


Musk’s comments came in response to a video clip from an older interview posted by “Wide Awake Media,” in which Goodall advocates for reducing the human population.

remember: She didn't help the local Africans: She lived with chimpanzees.

fast forward to 3:45. Yes, how dare poor people cut down forests to grow food. Eliminate them (not those lovely animals, but the Africans who just want to farm to feed their families).

As for that part about lowering the earth's population to 500 million, something that the ecotypes want as the ideal earth: this was the population of the world in 1600. Lots of famines  and epidemics back then.

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