Thursday, February 22, 2024

Cannibalism update: destroying the latest taboo

 Hannibal Lector was painted as evil, but some saw him as the protagonist in the film that won lots of awards a few years back. 

And latest movie about cannibalism 

In “Society of the Snow,” consumption is a sacrament in which the dead and the living become one..In Netflix's “Society of the Snow” cannibalism is both desensationalized and overwhelmingly humanized...

italics mine.

so, another detoxification of evil? 

we understand what you did, so it's okay. No need to seek forgiveness for you sin. Instead flaunt it and make the deed heroic, so we can admire you.

Sort of like those shouting their abortion, or bragging they killed someone instead of lovingly caring for them.

justifying the worst sin is of course trendy: The more shocking it is, the more hits your tweet or webpost gets. And hey, it might even win you an oscar. 

so the latest expert now claims cannibalism is okay:
Who Had 'Scientists Suggest We Rethink Cannibalism' on Their 2024 Bingo Card?

It's a tricky decision, whether or not to eat other people, and one that should be considered carefully, even though, "ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine," according to an unsigned, subscriber-only piece in New Scientist.

yes, it's racist according to the writer in the New Scientist

Perhaps it is down to the fact that, in Western religious traditions, bodies are seen as the seat of the soul and have a whiff of the sacred. Or maybe it is culturally ingrained, with roots in early modern colonialism, when racist stereotypes of the cannibal were concocted to justify subjugation. These came to represent the “other” to Western societies – and revulsion towards cannibalism became a tenet of their moral conscience.

 a similar claim is found here.

nonsense of course.

the taboo about cannibalism is pretty universal. One might argue that it happens in a lot of societies, and every severe famine has rumors that this was going on. but non starvation eating of human flesh is much rarer:  a very few isolated and primitive tribes have been describes as doing this as part of a funeral ritual  (research on the brain disease Kuru did verify that such things happened)

but this argument ignores that it is considered shameful in most societies.

and as being racist: A recent email to me from an African activist points to the story of a shaman who fed people human flesh as medicine in a 2017 story.

In Africa, there are rogue healers who use witchcraft to heal, especially HIV, and often sell human parts to cure people. 

There are also cases of burying human body parts under new stores etc. to ensure success. When I worked in Liberia, one child escaped and the murderer was caught. 

Before you condemn Africans, remember that unlike rich Yanks who shout their abortion, Africans are ashamed of such things (and consider abortion murder, and are shocked at the US/EU pushing legalizing it on their governments).

and remember, your Covid vaccine was probably made with cells from aborted fetuses. 

Indeed, there is a lot of money in body parts including selling parts of aborted fetuses, (something illegal before Biden legalized it

and unlike Africans, those selling body parts had the case dismissed and when whistleblower O'Keefe who was sued after he released a film of a lady admitting to making money using body parts from aborted babies, even though this was illegal at the time. (lawfare in action of course: he was later sued over other actions. Hey, at least he didn't have to flee to Russia like Snowden).

well, anyway, there is now a push to normalize cannibalism as okay.

and of course, it won't be from starvation but as the latest kinky sex fetish.

you read it here first folks.

sigh in my prayers.

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