Wednesday, February 21, 2024

freedom of speech

Tucker continues to cause problems.

Everyone pointing to his interview with Putin as if it was treason, not a routine interview similar to what used to be done on the BBC, but his interview here is also causing problems.


real clear politics discusses here.

"From their perspective, if the military did not begin to censor the internet, all of the democratic institutions and infrastructure that gave rise to the modern world after World War Two would collapse."

reality check: There are other ways to inform people (the use of cassettes with religious sermons was how the Ayatolla got rid of the Shah, who had jailed all the leftists and censored their complaints in the news). 

But allowing freedom of speech and freedom of religious opinions is the basis of the US Bill of Rights, and is needed for a free society.

This is not a one sided attempt of censorship (see previous post about boogiewoogiegate)

So this is a normal geopolitic tactic.

What is new is how this censorship program was extended to not allow ordinary medical discussions about covid policies and treatments.

when I worked in Africa, we knew the Soviet Union spread anti vax propaganda and lies (including anti vax stuff that got doctor giving out vaccines killed). So there is a reason for the CIA etc. to push the US point of view and help grass roots medical institutions in their public health work.

But when the national security state pushes the idea that the Covid virus didn't come out of a Chinese lab leak, gets a major medical journal to post an article signed by "experts" saying this, and later censors experimental cheap medicines (e.g. Ivermectin) while pushing other experimental cheap medicines and vaccines, I suggest that such things are outside their area of expertise.

Headsup Dr. Malone. who posts the transcript.

a lot of this is geopolitical censorship. Heck, what else is new.

but what is new is the covid censorship media project

There's over 60 universities now who get federal government grants to do the censorship work ...They did this, for example, with COVID. They created these COVID lexicons of what dissident groups were saying about mandates, about masks, about vaccines, about high profile individuals like Tony Fauci or Peter Daszak or any of these protected VIPs and individuals whose reputations had to be protected online.
And they created these code books, they broke things down into narratives. The Atlanta Council, for example, was a part of this government funded consortium, something called the Virality Project, which mapped 66 different narratives that dissidents we're talking about around covid, everything from COVID origins to vaccine efficacy.
And then they broke down these 66 claims into all the different factual sub claims. And then they plugged these into these essentially machine learning models to be able to have a constant world heat map of what everybody was saying about covid. And whenever something started trend that was bad for what the Pentagon wanted or was bad for what Tony Fauci wanted, they were able to take down tens of millions of posts. 

it is bad enough to use such things (dirty politics is not new: Caesar was killed because the propaganda persuaded folk he wanted to be king). But when a government uses their power to censor their opponents, and works with the social media to do such censorship, then democracy is in danger.

And of course, the bias in covid coverage, even in medical journals, has resulted in people just not trusting these institutions.


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