Monday, March 25, 2024

good vs evil

 watch first part of this interview.

Evil: The atrocities of ISIS vs the Yazidi people and other non Muslim minorities of nothern Iraq. And the good: Did Holland, an agnostic historian, have a religious experience, feeling the presence of Mary?

Evil continues to exist: The world laments the Gaza war, but ignores that the reason for those people's suffering is that Hamas is using the innocent as human shields against Israel. They stole and continue to steal aid money and food, divert the money into their bank accounts or to buy weapons, and are busy with their propaganda all over the world to inflame Muslim hatred of Israel. They could stop the war tomorrow by releasing hostages and letting the UN arrest those guilty of the atrocities against Israeli civilians and others, including the murder of one Filipina caregiver who stayed with her elderly charge at the time of the attack. 

Sort of like bank robbers, who when caught, take hostages and then show hostages killed by the police who were aiming at the criminals to divert your attention from their crimes (sort of like a worldwide Stockholm's syndrome).

atrocities by various Muslim groups get a lot less publicity of course: the terrible attack in Moscow will be blamed on the CIA, not on Islamic militants for Russia's war against them in Syria and by their Wagner mercenaries who are now fighting them in Africa.

News stories out of Gaza only condemn Israel in a way that cynically weaponizing your compassion so they can literally get away with murder, not to mention all that money they stole and have put into bank accounts.

But if you put it into the way that criminals have easily weaponized Islam, well discussing that is taboo, because no one wants to condemn a billion believers for the ten percent of them who are crazy. 


The second reason I put this up: It is a follow up of a previous post where I noted that while the Pope is promoting global warming ideas instead of God, even though the green religion is about weaponizing religion to enable the power grab by the international elite,.

So the irony is that we see the agnostics who are talking about God.

Who wudda thot?

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