Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Iran will push violence in the proxies for Ramadan

 Everyone assumes that the Hamas attacks against Israel was about the Palestinians.

Uh, wait a second: Hamas is run by Iran.

and what about all those stories about Israel bombing Lebanon for no reason?

The 100 thousand rockets in southern Lebanon are owned and operated by Hezbollah, which again is an Iranian proxy, and they have indeed sent a few to bomb Israel, but that part didn't get in the press. Why haven't they gone fully into the war? Because there are a lot of Sunni Muslims and Christians there who could restart that country's civil war, and hey if they want to plunder money from the country they need peace. Money is more important than religion you know.

Hezbollah is using Syria as a center to attack Israel too. That is why you read every now and then about Israeli airstrikes into that country.

Then there are the Houthis. These rebels don't run the place, only part of it, but they have been bombing Saudi for years (and don't even ask feminists why they haven't noticed their mistreatment of women there). And yes, they are funded by Iran.

The Houthis are against Israel and are using this as an excuse for using expensive missiles to hit civilian ships (and killing a few Filipino seamen while they are at it). What does this have to do with Israel? Nothing. But it is a twofer: They make the west look weak, and by diverting shipping from the Suez canal, they can hurt the Egyptian economy, and maybe have the Muslim brotherhood stage a rebellion there too. After all, Egypt, which had owned Gaza for 3000 years, but now refuses to allow the refugees (read a few civilians and lots of terrorists) enter into Egyptian territory is also the enemy.

and now, of course, when Israel goes into the west bank to arrest terrorists there, you won't read why they did this.

If you believe the propaganda that this is the poor Palestinians, you are wrong. It is Iran trying to intimidate the local Arab countries into letting them reestablish their Persian empire. 

But hey, inflating casualties and filling the press with violence porn works.

And Ramadan, the season of fasting that is supposed to let you be humble before God, is now here.

But the Crazies/Islamoterrorists think Ramadan is about killing their enemies. 

So the news are full of Gaza violence porn propaganda against Israel, with the press obediently reporting what Hamas says as if they never lied.


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