Friday, April 12, 2024

Genocide in Sudan: The forgotten Muslims

 every day one reads propaganda out of Iran/Hamas about Gaza, and demonstrations by the left's useful idiots who are influencing Biden, alas.

Wikipedia defines Useful Idiots.

A useful idiot or useful fool is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders.The term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation.

It's going to be a bad summer in the USA; Similar to what happened in the sixties in Chicago, except now the mainly blue collar Chicago cops won't be allowed to keep the peace by beating up the rich kids. Sigh. 

And remember: the results of those protests was you got Nixon (and in the long term, millions of refugees, ethnic cleansing of the Chinese from VietNam, and the Cambodian holocaust,,,, but hey, these rich kids never had to take responsibility for their actions: Heck I bet none of them ever took care of the Hmong or Catholic or Chinese refugees who made it into the USA, or heard their stories. )

So why am I cynical?

Because the biggest genocide going on right now is not Gaza, but in the Sudan.

more here

A real mess, with thousands of dead civilians, mainly Muslim but they can't blame the Jews or the USA, so don't expect the useful idiots to care or protest.

Nor is this just a civil war 

as the NZZ article points out: everyone is involved, and it has geopolitical implications, not just because it will spill into nearby countries

And part of the backstory is the presence of the Russian mercs (aka Wagner group) arming the rebels so they can steal all the gold they can lay their hands on, while suppling weapons and Iranian drones to the rebels,

 and just for good measure, we have Ukrainians in there hunting the Russian Mercs.

from NZZ:

The think tank International Crisis Group, for instance, writes: «An ungoverned Sudan would open the door for warlords and militias of various stripes, possibly including jihadists, to fill the vacuum. Instability could then radiate into the Horn of Africa, the Sahel, North Africa and the Red Sea basin, while pushing yet more migrants into already overtaxed neighboring states or on perilous journeys across the Mediterranean, into the Gulf and Levant, or even farther afield to the U.S.» Although this is an extreme scenario, it is nevertheless plausible. Because the war in Sudan is receiving so little attention, its geopolitically disruptive potential is being underestimated.


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