Saturday, April 13, 2024

Loss of trust and other side effects of covid policies

This video discusses one side effects of the covid quarantine policies: missed routine childhood vaccines, and we now have an epidemic of whooping cough.

I suspect we have it in our area, because the cook has come to me asking to give money to one of the neighbors because their kid had "Broncho" and needs to go to the hospital/clinic for treatment.

But whooping cough right now is spreading in other countries. But then it never really goes away because  adults, who have a mild version of the disease. can spread it to babies who are more vulnerable to get a severe case.

I have seen two cases of whooping cough in my patients in the USA: Both had missed their shots because they were sick (one with reflux related pneumonia the other with wheezing post RSV). The problem is that the routine antibiotics don't work: You have to use something in the Erythromycin family (e.g. azithromycin) instead of the penicillin/amoxicillin/cephalosporins which don't work.

One clue to the disease: A very high wbc. This is important since to get a routine test for pertussis in our rural area would have taken days.

here is the characteristic whoop:

Years ago, the vaccine for pertussis/cough vaccine had a rare but serious side effect of brain damage. In the UK, this got a lot of publicity so parents refused the vaccine and voila, a pertussis epidemic with several deaths. Luckily, the Japanese had just developed an acellular pertussis vaccine that didn't have the problem, and that solved the problem. Except for one thing: It didn't give as strong an immune responses. And since pertussis was still present (probably in adults whose immunity had waned and who had few symptoms) babies who hadn't yet received the vaccine could still catch it.

this article discusses the statistics of pertussis in the UK.


 I have written several articles about vaccines and the overreach for power that was behind the covid shutdown.

By censoring physicians who questioned the so called experts, it resulted in the hysterics taking over the discussion of problems. The good news: The problems finally got discussed. The bad news: The problems were taken out of context, and this resulted in a decrease in trust in so called authorities.

For covid? A lot of people died of this, something that is now being forgotten, and not all the deaths were in elders.

The problem? Yes the quarantine was needed, but not for two years.

As I have noted earlier: The anti covid shot hysteria is not big here, because we used all sorts of vaccines and only got the mRNA vaccine late in 2021 because the DOH would not sign a no liability papers. But as soon as various covid vaccines became available, most folk took these shots. The AZ and later the  Yankee shots which worked better to prevent the disease were given to high risk folk. I got the AZ ... I was aware of the blood clot problem: so it was not given to young folk because of this.  Our younger staff got the Chinese Sinovax, which essentially didn't work, but hey better than nothing. And since Omicron hit, few here are getting boosters.  

In other words, the mRNA vaccines were touted as lifesaving, which they were, but they didn't work very well after a few months and needed more and more boosters. And probably the same problem was seen with other vaccines.

So essentially (thanks to omicron and herd immunity) the disease burnt itself out and although it is still around, like influenza one can live with the problem.

So yes I support vaccines 

but no, I didn't get any more boosters for covid.

One has to remember: nothing in life is perfect.

When patients asked about rare side effects of vaccines or medicines, I would tell them yes these things happen but they are rare. Then I would ask how they got to the office, and most admitted they drove their car. So I would point out that there was a danger that on the way home they might be killed in a car wreck, and that life is risky.

Silencing doctors who have expertise as if they were paranoid anti vaxers has been the real problem of the covid policies.

Which is why the WHO's policies for the next epidemic will be seen as a power grab instead of good policy to stop disease.


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