Friday, May 31, 2024

fake trial with powerful interests behind it?

paying off someone blackmailing them to save their marriage is now a federal crime.

paying someone so they won't sue you in court is cheaper than going to court, as many docs accused of malpractice for unforseen complications or from greedy relatives, is also a common practice.

So what is the crime?

I also should note another irregularity about this sham trial:

This was a complicated case, but the jury got a verdict in 24 hours: and it was unanimous on all counts.

This is not possible unless the verdict was predetermined. 

So politics as usual? 

Or does it have a more sinister reason behind it?

Why do I write this?

Yesterday, I published this about the WHO Treaty
What was the reason WHO was in such a rush to close the deal? and the NYTimes answers:


“Donald Trump is in the room,” said Lawrence Gostin, director of the W.H.O. Center on Global Health Law, who has helped to draft and negotiate the treaty. Interestingly, the presences of former President Donald Trump looms large in these treaty negotiations. “If Trump is elected, he will likely torpedo the negotiations and even withdraw from W.H.O.,” Mr. Gostin said.

 So only MrTrump stands in the way of the WHO and other internationalist schemes.

Not really: Because this treaty was also rejected by the UK, who saw it as a threat to national sovereignty.

So who makes the laws? Who watches the judges in the USA? 

Just wondering?

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