Thursday, May 30, 2024

WHO treaty not affirmed. Maybe because they lied in the past

the WHO treaty had not been approved by everyone, says LegalInsurrection:

who earlier pointed out the problems with the treaty.

The World Health Organization gets to define what a pandemic is, when a pandemic is in progress and how long a pandemic lasts. Then you read the fine print and you realize the W.H.O will have total authority over emergency operations in the United States if there’s ever a “public health emergency.” Huh?

but of course just because a lot of countries won't sign the treaty now, it doesn't mean they will stop: so called negotiations will continue until they can force it on you.




given the many mistakes by the WHO in covid epidemic, there is a lot of distrust out there, and not just by those suspicious of anything that hints about the UN destroying local control/national sovereignty.

LI asks: What was the reason WHO was in such a rush to close the deal?

and the NYTimes answers: 

 “Donald Trump is in the room,” said Lawrence Gostin, director of the W.H.O. Center on Global Health Law, who has helped to draft and negotiate the treaty. Interestingly, the presences of former President Donald Trump looms large in these treaty negotiations. “If Trump is elected, he will likely torpedo the negotiations and even withdraw from W.H.O.,” Mr. Gostin said.

in the meanwhile, poor reporting and over hysteria about disease continues. 

see my previous note about birdflu, and now the headlines are screaming that the second case they were monitoring who had close contact with infected cattle (our of 3000 plus being monitored) has indeed tested positive. Not mentioned: How sick was he? nor was it mentioned the anti viral medicines work (if these work, maybe it means mass immunizations of everyone including low risk people, won't need to be done.)

but if I am cynical, it might be because the covid response was excessive, especially after omicron hit, and both immunity from vaccines and especially herd immunity slowed the epidemic

The public health authorities have saved millions of lives, but in covid they lost a lot of trust. Ditto for the trust in vaccines, where side effects were hidden, and the authorities insisted low risk kids get numerous shots, instead of what is usually done: Give it to the high risk who might die of the disease.

Here in the Philippines, the Dengue vaccine problems caused a lot of distrust of all vaccines, leading to kids dying of measles and other disease. So it's not like the public health establishment wasn't aware that you needed to be honest before you gave shots to kids.

and then there is the debacle of shutdowns and quarantines: which lasted too long, and then the public health authorities winked at the riots for social justice while shutting down churches that would have given people comfort.

Then you have the grannie killers who let covid into nursing homes, killing thousands, and were rewarded by jobs in the government despite this obvious incompetency because political correctness.

Another PC debacle, where political fads outweighed basic public health policy, was in the approach to MPox.

MPox was allowed to spread because no one had the courage to shut down raves or warning that MSM sex was risky and pretended shots would stop it without changing behavior (the white gay community educated each other, but no one told the black community about the risk hence most of the deaths were in minorities).

And now there is a report of dengue in Puerto Rico.

Killing mosquitoes works, something known since the time of the Panama canal, but that takes effort and chemicals.  After the debacle in the Philippines where dengue vaccine was given to children, and some poorly screened children died, some folks stopped trusting vaccines (and so kids died of measles and other diseases usually prevented by routine baby shots).

 a better approach to get rid of dengue you have to kill mosquitoes and that would mean chemicals. And of course basic sanitation would help: such as cleaning up the garbage.

even NPR, while lamenting it is due to global warming and new mosquitoes (as if the regular mosquitoes don't carry such disease), admits eliminating mosquitoes can be done by cleaning up the environment and using natural germs to kill off mosquitoes

we were having a lot of problems with mosquitoes for the last three months and then they all disappeared. I suspect the government sprayed the drainage ditches where they were breeding.

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