Wednesday, May 29, 2024

the MSM who quotes the propaganda

 this report seems to point out the details that are not being reported. Videos on social media? don't question the propaganda.

...Who was it that decided to use this former city of civilians as a launchpad for war? Who was it that posted their military commanders there, hid their ammunition there, fired their missiles from there, dragged hostages there? Who was it who hid the machinery of war among the women and children of Rafah, knowing full well bloodshed would ensue? It wasn’t Israel. Israel helped to facilitate the evacuation of over 900,000 civilians. No, it was Hamas....

 The IDF is surely right that Hamas’s use of Rafah for arms storage, hostage-keeping and missile-firing represents a ‘systematic exploitation of humanitarian facilities and spaces’....

One is reminded of the dog that barked in the night:  

When Inspector Gregory asks, “Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” Holmes responds, “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” But, protests the inspector, “The dog did nothing in the night-time.” To which Holmes delivers the punch line: “That was the curious incident.”

the lesson is paying attention to what is not there. 

all the news coming out is from Hamas and their allies (including AlJ, the UN workers who looked the other way when aid was stolen or stored in civilian areas, or directly from Hamas.

Where the hell are the neutral observers?

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