Friday, July 05, 2024

Adoption and Foster care

A new film highlights how churches have encouraged the adoption of older children, and Jordan Peterson discusses this.

 why are there so few good stories about Foster care and adoption? 

Partially because the horror stories make better press (if it bleeds it leads) for the MSM, but the dirty little secret is that if adoption is seen as a good option for children, it might encourage women to carry their pregnancies instead of aborting them, and abortion must be pushed because too many women don't want to hear that maybe they didn't have to abort their children because it makes them feel guilty.

Another reason is that many of these kids need placement because the parents are druggies or alcoholics or sometimes just too young or overwhelmed by caring for a demanding child that they can't cope. But of course, telling boomer parents that self control in sexual matters is something that society should teach means you are an evil puritan... and when is the last time you read that maybe legalizing pot (a known gateway drug) or using psychedelics ( minidosing is now popular in the computer elites) are leading to acceptance of drug use as normal, which is resulting in the break down of society.

Poor children are the canary in the coal  mine.

 2.4 million kids are being raised by grandparents other relatives, or even friends of the mother. And remember: Often these are informal and don't get into the statistics.

Sometimes this care is temporary, as in the care for a baby while mom gets back on her feet, but when the mother is addicted, often it goes on for years, and an overwhelmed social welfare system that has rules that insists that the child go back to the mother after her addiction is treated often results in a yo yo effect where the child goes back and forth several times before the birth parents ties can be legally removed.

 This messes up the head of the child of course. 

Caring for an older child presents more difficulties because of behavior and emotional scars, and sometimes physical problems/handicaps (fetal alcohol syndrome or brain damage from abuse comes to mind). so instead of a nice happy child, often it means a child with behavior problems, acting out, outbursts of rage, a child who won't return your affection etc.

Children do best with those of similar background, but in the past rules made by the social welfare system long had criteria to meet, so poor relatives often didn't have a good enough bedrooms in their house   to meet the criteria, so the child was sent to affluent white parents.

The Black social workers (and the Indian welfare act) fought this, and things did improve: So the extended family could care for the kid even in the crowded home. 

But with the explosion of drugs in the inner city, there was an excess of black children in foster care, and a lack of foster families or adoptive families to care for them. 

The most trusted institution in the inner city Black community is the church, so some started an outreach to the churches to find people willing to take such children to nurture and care for.

and that is the story behind this film:

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