I learned that relying on the news about what is going on in the USA is not accurate... and this opinion is because I was working overseas when Reagan was president.
So excuse me if I don't comment too much on what is going on.
After working at a government clinic, I am well aware of the waste and inefficiency in government offices. So I sort of support a lot of the cut backs there.
But the bureaucrats know how to fight the cuts: the rule is: A cut back means getting rid of essential things (clinics, fire departments, WIC etc) then going to the press and crying: They are killing people! This is the "look squirrel" meme: it allows the press to be distracted by a shiny story that will get headlines while ignoring the real problem: need to get rid of the paperwork, unneeded regulations, and paper pushers, not to mention the grants for nonsense stuff.
the debt is going to implode, so cut backs are needed.
As for foreign aid: a lot of it is stolen, and that includes money gifted to the NGOs and churches. And the UN personnel helping terrorists and covering up the origin of the WUHAN virus is one reason that Trumpieboy is cutting ties and money to them.
right in time to make sure the US is not sucked into that UN health treaty that will let the UN take over the world during the next epidemic.
The Naive do gooders need to work in the third world and get rid of their rose coloured glasses. Heck, even Jesus warned them about this.
Duh. when you read someone buying expensive real estate (BLM, the Vatican in London) and luxury cars with money supposed to help the poor, you do wonder what is going on.
The Inquirer noted that cutting back US Aid won't affect the Philippines very much.
Similarly, I support immigration but opening the borders and letting naive NGOs to assist drug cartels to entice people to immigrate is a problem: (italics mine).
I mean, ten percent of Filipinos work or have immigrated overseas, and yes some are illegally in these countries. But most of them were carefully screened, and the jobs they applied to were also screened to stop abuse of the migrants. Indeed, Ruby was stopped at the airport because she hadn't done the paperwork to screen for her job at a prestigious school in Thailand, partly because Thailand is a major place for fake jobs to seduce women to become sex workers etc.
If the lowly Philippines can do this, why didn't the USA?
wasn't the CBP oneApp supposed to do this?
Until I start reading more stories that are not propaganda stories pushed by both sides about what is going on, I will have to rely on what I know: Which is that literally millions of poor people who cannot get a decent job will do anything to migrate to the US or Europe. These people will work harder than Americans because they have no other option (fear of being fired). And this will allow businesses to exploit them, and result in Americans not being offered these jobs.
For years this has been going on, with a wink wink. But Biden and Covid shutdowns have exploded the problem so that an overblown pushback is what is going to happen.
Already a few hundred deportees, most of them with criminal records, have caused hysteria in the press you wonder what will happen.
So far the public supports it, but I suspect if they start raiding normal people living and working without papers, locals will hide them. Not so much the criminal linked gangsters.
So once the border is closed, the criminals are deported, and the NGOs getting rich cooperating with the drug cartel/people smugglers are defunded, I will bet Trumpie boy will take a cue from Reagan and offer amnesty.
Finally, as a Democrat, I notice RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard, whose positions are mainstream Democratic policies against big Pharma, Big Agri, and the Military industrial complex. But Democrats who essentially chased them out of the party will now paint them as bad people supporting bad policies. Huh?
Watching the interviews in Congress, I haven't seen much discussion of the issues. So Tulsi did a factfinding tour a decade ago and talked to a bad guy? Uh, so did Senator McCain. That is part of the job.
But never mind.