Friday, June 21, 2024

Movie of the week


anti cia propaganda so what else is new?

 there is an article floating around conspiracy sites that CIA bots persuaded Filipinos not to get the Sinovax shot from China, and this resulted in lots of people dying.

Complete nonsense.

After the Dengue tragedy, the average Filipino is suspicious of any vaccine and this predates covid.

So  that propaganda about CIA bots working on the social media to stop Filipinos from using the Chinese vaccine is just that: propaganda.

The Sinovax was given widely in Indonesia and didn't stop the epidemic there (essentially it was useless), and so the Philippines used all sorts of vaccines from the UK and Russia etc, for high risk folk and sinovax was used in low risk populations 

and the article hints that the propaganda on the social media was to stop China from becoming popular. But China is very unpopular here because they run the economy, smuggling, computer sex and the drug trade. But especially because the ordinary Filipino can't break into their cliques to get rich, so most middle class folk work overseas to make ends meet.

our DOH didn't accept the mRNA vaccine when first offered because they refused to sign a no liability paper, so getting it here was delayed for over half a year.

What stopped the epidemic was the Omnicron variant. 

And unlike the USA, Duterte said if we wanted to use Ivermectin, no problem. 

The CIA anti Duterte propaganda is well known and shame on them for funding Rappler and lots of anti Duterte stuff on the social media that mainly inflamed the SJW and Catholic SJW types in the cities. But here in the rural areas, where drugs were behind a lot of crime, Duterte remained popular. Once he started his anti drug war, I could again walk the streets without fear of kidnapping, and Ruby could take a bus into Manila without fear of being robbed.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

the new religion of woke and perversion

Father Leo expresses his concerns about Catholics celebrating Pride Month due to the changing meaning of pride as a deadly sin associated with debauchery and immorality.


He encourages humility and references St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians. \


The speaker also criticizes the negative effects of Pride Month on society, particularly its promotion of relativism and materialism, and the harsh punishment of those who damage Pride symbols.


He advocates for focusing on helping others and recognizing God's role in one's life as things to be proud of, rather than participating in Pride parades due to their sinful nature. The priest emphasizes the importance of being proud of one's faith without being ashamed or boastful

myself? In the Philippines, baclas and tomboys are just part of the extended family. Like second wives, if they are discrete and don't exploit the staff, no problem. But the US version is being pushed in a way that destroys the family: One only has to see how gay marriage has been a legal way to silence churches and institutions that don't approve, and it has morphed quickly into grooming children. I suspect most gays who just want to live their lives and be accepted by their neighbors are aghast at such things.

The gender agenda is essentially a secular religion that goes against what most Christians and Muslims believe.

This anti family and pro promiscuity morality is causing many countries to resent the USA: especially in Africa where colonial practices worked against the family (e.g. taxing people so men were forced to work away from their families, but not giving them social security, and allowing their land to belong to the tribe, so if they brought their wives with them, they lost their land...etc). 

then Americans wonder why the Wagner group, Muslim extremism and China are welcome there.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Biblical Father;s day

 Garrison Keillor ponders on Father's day, and Solomon.

Just read the whole thing. A wise old man ponders on real life (as opposed to the screeds we tend to see posted on the internet/twittersphere).

The most prolific father of all time was surely Solomon, who, according to Scripture, had 700 wives and 300 concubines, which would certainly keep a man well-occupied on evenings and weekends. Just remembering their names and birthdays would take a concerted effort. 

And if the Song of Solomon is any indication (“How beautiful and pleasant you are, O loved one, with all your delights! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!”) he was quite enthusiastic in the bedroom. So it’s reasonable to assume he fathered thousands of kids. 

 But in his Book of Proverbs, Solomon is not so euphoric. Fatherhood weighs on him. He says, “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Walk not thou in the way with them.”...This is a father talking. Don’t hang out with jerks. Nothing good happens after midnight. I don’t want to hear that kind of language around here. 

... And when we come to Solomon’s Book of Ecclesiastes, we find a rather weary man, not the same guy who was sniffing his naked wife and smelling cinnamon: “The thing that has been is the thing that shall be … there is nothing new under the sun.”

The White Lady ghost of Buela Pennsylvania


the soil in this area is not good for farming: So much of the farm lands in the Cambria county area have all gone back to forest, and when hiking near our home, we'd find chimneys and parts of foundations, and apple trees and herbs that still survived. 

The population went up when the coal mines were open, but now the coal towns are depopulated, and some deserted (the local rails to trails hiking path is called the ghost town trail).

but when I moved there, often I would take the back road to our town from Ebensburg instead of the highway, and one section went down a hill and under a rail bridge: and that section of road was spooky, partly because it tended to fog, so my boys called this section the haunted road.

And indeed, we later found that locals claimed it was haunted, and that there was the ruins of a town called Buelah nearby. The town was settled by Welsh pioneers but it didn't last too long, and now all that is left is the cemetery: and the story that the area is haunted.

The story I heard was that the ghost was of a girl who was jilted and died of a broken heart.

Years later, we looked it up and indeed it is a famous ghost legend of the area. or as Wikipedia explains:

The Beula Ghost The abandoned ghost town, in its long period of being left uninhabited sparked the infamous "Beula Ghost" story. Many locals claimed to have ghostly experiences, a number of which ended up in the papers of nearby Ebensburg. The Alleghenian ran a lengthy story about the ghost in February 1861. The writer penned that he was out hunting late into the evening before stopping to rest in one of the last abandoned houses in Beula. After some time, he felt an icy hand on his head, following which he saw "a form clad in a flowing... garment, with long waving hair, of snowy whiteness, and a face as calm and pale as death!" Then it spoke to him, saying "'Mortal, be not afraid, I seek not to harm thee nor trouble thy spirit. I am lonely and weary."  After explaining that it was cursed to haunt Beula for loving "gold more than God", the spirit is apparently set free from its torment, or simply vanishes after lamenting its misery to a mortal being.

Photo from Countyfoxexplorer who writes about the legend:

The Lady in White can be seen along Beulah Road or in the Cemetery. There are a couple of stories that have been told about the haunting. One tale is that she was left at the altar on her wedding day. Unbeknownst to her, her husband-to-be died in a hunting accident. She never saw her beloved and died of a broken heart. The more commonly heard tale tells how she was one of the last members of the town of Beula. During a terrible winter snowstorm she attempted to make her way to Ebensburg. She was never seen again.

Musical interlude of the day


Friday, June 14, 2024

Happy flag day

HAPPY FLAG DAY From Wikipedia:

Flag Day is a holiday celebrated on June 14 in the United States. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
The Flag Resolution stated "That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Haitian rescue

 So two Knights of Columbus who were helicopter pilots rescued over 100 Americans from violence in Haiti.

It was the first call for Marinello since he started a helicopter air medical service, Tropic Air Rescue, just a little over a week before. After armed gangs had united in their opposition to the prime minister, who was away on a foreign trip, they shut down the international airport, stranding hundreds of foreigners. Among them were Mitch Albom, a bestselling author based in Michigan, and nine other Americans visiting an orphanage that he established in Port-au-Prince. A member of the group contacted a congresswoman in Michigan for assistance in getting them out of the country. She in turn contacted a congressional colleague from Florida, Cory Mills, a US Army veteran who had rescued Americans from dangerous situations before. Mills' staff in turn began looking for help with the Haiti mission. Twelve pilots indicated that they were unable or unwilling to take on the job.,,

they rescued a few people and then did multiple flights to bring more aidworkers home. And yes in corrupt countries the bureaucrats worry more about proper paperwork than human lives. I could be wrong and will apologize if I am, but I have lived and worked in several chaotic countries on four continents, and I suspect the reason for the barriers were because the pilots were too honest to give them a small gift to expedite matters. 

read the whole thing

beadsup SarahHoyt at Instapundit

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

propaganda lesson for today


when the Islamic terrorists took over a small city here, to fight their propaganda the Philippine military took and posted lots of videos to explain what they were doing.

But when reporters and UN employees and NGOs essentially are cooperating with Hamas, keeping secret what they were doing (i.e. stealing the aid money and supplies) and building tunnels and storing arms and missiles in civilian areas, now that the Israelis are trying to remove these things, these same groups continue to assist Hamas by putting out propaganda about genocide.

But no one is caring about the real genocides in the Sudan, Syria, etc.


Monday, June 10, 2024

cat v china

Move over Garfield; the cartoon cat that broke open Chinese censorship of the covid lockdowns in 2022.

A Chinese dissident - who is behind a popular X account fronted by this cartoon cat - says Beijing is trying to silence him source BBC

A Chinese dissident - who is behind a popular X account fronted by this cartoon cat - says Beijing is trying to silence him:Mr Li has since become a vital chronicler of information deemed politically sensitive by Beijing.
His X account is a window into Xi Jinping’s China where authorities’ vice-like grip on information keeps tightening. From major protests to small acts of dissent, corruption to crime, it is zealously scrubbed off the Chinese internet, only to turn up on Mr Li’s account.

read the whole thing. From the BBC


 another report on China from StrategyPage notes the problem of corruption in the military, shoddy workmanship in manufacturing weapons etc. could mean these weapons would fail if they invaded Taiwan.

 the dirty little secret is if they invade Taiwan, the result will cause the Chinese economy to collapse, a world wide depression because of economic sanctions and the loss of Taiwan's computer chips.,

The Chinese government’s 2023 discovery of the disastrous degree to which corruption crippled China’s military capability may have led it to abandon its objective of conquering Taiwan.
The government is acutely aware that its imminent disastrous demographic collapse allows it only a relatively short window of opportunity to conquer Taiwan and achieve great power status.

Abandonment of the Taiwan conquest objective might have also entailed a more realistic assessment of other matters, notably blockade by the US Navy.

 I tend to believe reports from StrategyPage because they get things correct on countries where I have personal knowledge of what is actually going on (as opposed to what the MSM reports).

The shoddyness of Chinese goods here is notorious: They are all over the place here because they are cheap and the poor can't afford anything else. 

and another problem with shoddy cheap Chinese goods in the market: local businesses have trouble competing. 

but for the growing middle class here, if you want medicines, tools, clothing, pipes, cement etc. that are of decent quality, you buy at markets that get the supplies from Japan or the USA.

Right now, China is threatening the sea lanes in the West Philippine sea, which they claim they own. 

By building artificial islands there, they could threaten other Asian countries by blocking the sea lanes, the air lanes, and the internet that go by their artificial islands.

(international court say they don't own it, but hey no one pays attention to the international court). 

Duterte tried to make nice with them, but they screwed him, so now Marcos Jr. is back to trusting the Yanks. 

so every day we hear China complaining about those Nasty Philippine fishermen or aggression by the Coast Guard when the Philippines does what they have been doing in the area for a couple of centuries.

The fact that China is not popular here complicates matters for China, since the northern Philippines is not far from Taiwan, and now the Philippines is allowing the US to put soldiers in the local bases. 

The US is not there to fight, but to supply the latest technology if anything happens and China attacks Taiwan or (hopefully not) Luzon.

Which is why I posted about drones a couple days ago. 

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Drone wars


more information HERE: they spy, they drop bombs on you, and then there is this: Logistics

Commercial cargo ships can carry hundreds of armed UAVs equipped with satellite communications so operators anywhere in the world can control them. These USVs can be unloaded at sea and sent to carry out attacks on targets in the area or move to a nearby harbor and remain tied to a dock until needed. The only maintenance is keeping the USV batteries charged.
These USVs are a radical new weapon for naval warfare and the war at sea will never be the same because of the success of Ukrainian USVs in their victorious war against the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

so the kid playing WOW in the basement could actually use these skills in a future war. 

I post that because here in Asia, drones and unmanned robotic submarines might change stuff if China invades Taiwan and yes China is busy with planning to use these gadgets.

and then there are unmanned ships that can move supplies: logistics!

more here about the modern ways of war, and the problem of the modern military: Prolonged periods of peace lead to a decline in military readiness, and traditionally Americans aren't eager to start wars....

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Disney cartoons that helped fight World War II.

Brian Sibley, who has many posts on classical Disney cartoons, has one today about Disney's help with fighting World War II via education and propaganda.

Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Disney's massive studio lot in Burbank, California was commandeered by the US Army and many of Walt's animators were moved from making entertainment cartoons to making training films for the Navy. By 1943, almost 90% of Disney's work was related to the war effort, from powerful propaganda films to posters such as this one that points out job hopping can interfere with the supply chain and slow war production.

Youtube has a list of these cartoons.

But my favorite are the ones about controlling malaria, which was a major threat to fighting the war in tropical countries.

Note that back then mosquito control did not use DDT or insecticides.

I should note that the mosquitoes that spread malaria are different from the ones that carry dengue or yellow fever, but the control is the same. And more modern weapons include not just insecticide but electronic zappers indoors, insecticide impregnated nets to sleep under, encouraging using DEET and other insect repellants, screening window etc, ,and more recently, for the dengue mosquito, infecting mosquitoes with Wolbachia  bacteria


Thursday, June 06, 2024

Transplant with pigs

Tea at Trianon links to a xenotransplant, where a man was given a pig kidney. 

 He later died, cause of death not mentioned, and the family says thank you to the doctors for giving him seven more weeks of life. 

 what's wrong with this picture?

It was unethical since an alternative treatment was available: renal dialysis.

This is not the first time the ethics have been stretched to experiment with transplanting organs.

Last year, doctors in NYC hospital did a gene edited pig kidney transplant that worked for one month. And Univ Ala did a kidney tranplant and it lasted one week.

The problem? The patients involved were "brain dead", so could not give consent. (and I am not going to go into the problems of diagnosing brain death, nor will I discuss how ethicists are trying to expand that definition to get more organ donors from people merely comatose. That is a discussion for another time).

the problem with pig transplants goes beyond ethics and the YUCK factor:

in the Massachusetts case, the gentleman and his family gave their consent, so the ethical question of choice did not occur, although one wonders if the family actually recognized the experimental danger. So the ethics was not worse than doing it on a brain dead person who had no choice.

But for the gentleman in Massachusetts, what is not mentioned in the articles is the dirty little secrets that  there is a well known treatment for kidney failure: Dialysis.
italics mine.

you can live for years on dialysis, but previous brain dead patients given transplants of pig kidneys only lived a month or two, so there was no guarantee that this would have kept him alive for a long time.

So maybe if he just remained on dialysis he might have lived a couple more years. I hope the family realizes this and gets a good lawyer to sue.

 But never mind. The headlines make the doctors proud of themselves.

and oh yes: Follow the money

But surging interest in xenotransplantation, predicted by some estimates to be a $25-billion-dollar industry within the next five years

Other ethical problems about kidney transplants:  we see here in the third world:  paying a desperately poor person to risk his health donating a kidney for money, or buying one in China from a FalunGong prisoner scheduled for execution.

so was the experimental treatment of this Massachusetts gentleman cleared by the hospital ethics board?

yes I am sure that the ethics boards okayed it.

 bioethicists are quite flexible in many ways, and any lay person reading the ethical literatures for the last 30 years would be shocked at things that have been proposed.

which is why civil libertarian expert Nat Hentoff once called bioethicists apologists for death, because they could always figure a way to make anything ethical, up to and including killing a patient.

D Day: 80th anniversary



Wednesday, June 05, 2024

banning dangerous music

 China is trying to ban a HongKong protest song from Youtube.

Glory to HongKong.Lyrics here.

AlJ article here.

absurdities in the covid propaganda news

I am no fan of Dr. Fauci, but when Dr Paul questioned him about the six foot distancing, Fauci said he made it up.

Actually, droplets of saliva etc can be spread 6 feet plus with coughing and sneezing.

when we were in medical school, we were told that masking essentially kept us from spraying saliva into the patient's wounds during surgery. But of course, unless you use a close fitting specialized mask it doesn't protect you from germs (although it might keep dust etc out of your lungs if you have asthma, and heavy work masks keep out particulate matter like paint spray and dust).

anti maks types point out that a mask won't stop a virus. They miss the point: the virus isn't floating by itself. It is embedded in moisture from breathing, talking, coughing or sneezing, and the mask does catch these particles so you don't give it to others. Yes, a handkerchief also does this, but then the droplets get on your hands and spread that way.

review from 2020 has lots of links to older studies about using masks.

The spreading of the infectious pathogen responsible for COVID-19 is mainly through droplets ejected during coughing and sneezing (Jones and Brosseau, 2015; Asadi et al., 2020; and Bourouiba, 2020). The multiphase turbulent cloud formed during coughing and sneezing consists of hot and moist air and suspended droplets (Scharfman et al., 2016). The larger droplet follows a ballistic projectile, and under the influence of gravity and aerodynamic drag, it decelerates and travels considerably a smaller distance before landing on surfaces (Tellier, 2006; Wells, 1934). However, the smaller diameter droplets and particles. So thete is some logic abput masks and distancing 
that said, I think the repeated shots of covid to low risk people is absurd, My granddaughter has had four boosters and will have to get another one to teach a seminar in the USA this summer. Why? The booster makes her sick for two to three days, so it's not like she doesn't have problems with getting the shot.

the overkill of covid policy is making folks forget the toxicity from the early epidemic: vaccines are a cost/benefit ratio decision.

Early in the epidemic two local nurses who were pregnant refused the vaccine, because social media rumors said that it could cause miscarriages: one died (7 months pregnant) the other survived covid but the baby was born premature with covid and died.

So maybe their decision was wrong.

But now we are reading about the covid shots causing problems with pregnancy and fertility. So the fake news might have been more accurate than the official news?

Yet as studies are leaking out about side effects, one does wonder about a coverup.

Here in the Philippines the disastrous Dengue vaccine episode was one reason that the DOH refused to sign a non liability agreement, so we didn't get the mRNA vaccines for months. I got the AZ vaccine in August, but by then we knew about the blood clot problem, so it was only given to elders and high risk people who were at risk of dying from pulmonary problems.

here the worst part of the epidemic was from April 21 to April 22.

the Omicron varient hit here in December.

yet once omicron hit, and herd immunity kicked in, the hysterical push for vaccine, isolation, etc. was overkill  nonsense. And giving shots to kids who are low risk is nonsense, especially when they rarely die of it.

And now there are reports that various vaccines had side effects and this was covered up.

The reaction to what many think was a bad public health policy will result in lack of trust in the public health sector. Sigh.

and suspicion that the vaccines cause an immunity problem leading to premature deaths from other diseases like cancer etc. is only now being debated.

and now some question about government employees making money from patents they held on treatments

It makes one wonder if this might be why they didn't allow ivermectin or HCQ treatment, and only quoted flawed studies (i.e. given late in the course of treatment) that showed they didn't work, so they could push their drug and make money.

and the coverup of vaccine side effects, and the increase in death rates from all sorts of diseases, is making some people suspicious of the entire kerfuffle.


don't ask me: I'm just a retired family doc living in her room who has all the symptoms of post viral fatigue etc, but mine is from dengue, not covid.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Rice, African style

 We grow organic brown rice here in the Philippines, but a lot of rice is grown in West Africa, and originally that rice , Oryza glaberrima was a slightly different type than Asian rice, and was domesticated 3000 years ago.according to Wikipedia.

In comparison to Asian rice, African rice is hardy, pest-resistant, low-labour, and suited to a larger variety of African conditions. It is described as filling, with a distinct nutty flavour.

This rice was the one originally planted in the Southern Unite states, but even in Africa, it has mainly been replaced by the Asian variety which is more productive, but there is a push to continue growing this valuable crop.

more at Atlas Obscura.

If you’ve been paying attention to the growth in interest in West African culinary traditions, you’ve probably noticed the increased popularity of Jollof rice.
The name derives from one of the kingdoms of my Ancestors, the Wolof peoples living in modern-day Senegal, Gambia, and Mauritania. The Wolof have a great reputation as traders, artisans, musicians, and cooks, forming along with their neighbors the heart of the culture and cuisine of Senegambia...
Jollof rice, or benachin, may be from Senegambia, but it spread through Wolof and Mande traders and unfortunately due to colonialism. Different countries have different names and styles of preparation to match. The fiercest rivalry may be between Ghana and Nigeria. However, Jollof-style rice became the grandmother of Lowcountry red rice as well as jambalaya and rice from Mexico, Brazil, and various spaces in the Caribbean. All you need is tomato, onion, pepper, and spices.

Recipe at link

this video explains how you make it.


this cook uses Jasmine rice, a fragrant long grain rice that is often imported here and into the USA from India or SEAsia, since the African rice is not available in most western countries.

This article at FlavorInsider compares Jollof rice and Jumbalaya. Some similarities but not the same.

Monday, June 03, 2024

I have a rosary and I know how to use it

A million FIlipinos praying the rosary blocked Marcos'thugs from arresting General Ramos, who decided the army should back Tita Corey who won the election. And the sight of the demonstrations persuaded President Regan to tell Marcos he would not get US backing for stealing the election and it was time for him to go.

But such things won't happen today, would it? Especially in today's secular world of tictoc and gay pride.


Spain’s Socialist government has sensationally BANNED the public saying of the Rosary in Madrid ahead of the European Elections.
Pedro Sanchez’s government has told the organisers of the daily Rosary in Madrid that they will not be allowed to gather in the city on June 8th of June 9th due to a ‘day of reflection’ and the election day.
It comes after already fining its leader thousands for praying in public.
Catholics have said that they will defy the order.


Background can be read in this EWTN article from last December:

Growing numbers of Catholics continue to defy Spain’s socialist government by publicly praying the rosary for the country as it faces spiritual, political, and economic turbulence that a pro-life lawyer says stems from a crisis in values and clear persecution against the Catholic Church.

and there are political inspirations behind some of the rallies:

Rosary rallies in the country have coincided with large-scale protests against an amnesty law that the government offered to socialists and communists for the failed 2017 bid by Catalonia to secede from the rest of Spain.

The Catholic news agency, in Dec 23, has more background.

other gatherings of Christians who oppose governments include rosary rallies in Ireland, (anti EU policies being pushed on that country among other things), a huge pilgrimage in France, Evangelical Christians protesting the corrupt socialists government in Brazil, and even numerous Eucharistic processions in the USA promoting revival.

No, I don't know if such things are increasing or would have any influence on the world which seems going to hell, but like the drip drip drip of water, it could.

Which explains why the FBI had Catholics on their radar for possible threats, and why peaceful abortion protesters in the USA have been sentenced to jail under the FACE act, that specifically bans pro life protests.\\\




Sunday, June 02, 2024

Iranian mullahs vs women

quick: How many Hamas loving protesters recognize that Hamas is an Iranian proxy? 

And how many know about the woman who won a Nobel Peace prize for her activism to promote women's rights in Iran, and was jailed for doing so?

shame on the Hamas loving protesters for being so ignorant. 

they not only ignore that Hamas not only has attacked Israel and stolen much of the aid money sent to Gaza, but they seem unaware that Hamas, and probably a lot of the groups that are behind the so called protests, are inspired by Iran, whose mullahs are kleptocrats. To distract the country from pointing fingers at their corruption, they find a scapegoat, and are busy pretending that Israel is the only problem in the area.

 But the Arab countries know better. More here: